Science Education

Julie Garbutt:


In week 5, students reflected on the 'weather and me'. Students described three examples of different weather using symbols, the associated weather words/descriptions and appropriate activities or clothing.

In week 6, students investigated the wind strength needed to move different materials. Students used a hand held, paper fan to move different materials and recorded which could be moved with a 'light wind' or would need a 'strong wind' to move them. 

Year 1/2

Following the Melbourne Cup public holiday, students compared how water is used at home.  As a class, we made a picture graph of the different ways water is used at home using data collected from home. We discussed and reflected on what the results showed us about how we use water and different ways to save water. 

Year 3/4

Students viewed different rock formations, such as the Twelve Apostles, shaped by erosion and discussed the changes that have occurred over time. Students then read and discussed a scientific explanation of the formation of Uluru before they created a map of Edwards Lake as it may have appeared 100 years ago and in one million years time. Students greatly enjoyed this activity, with many insightful and creative ideas being expressed. 

In week 6, students investigated what happens to the erosion of soil when we change the angle of the slope. 

Year 5/6

Students used a Venn diagram to sort descriptions of changing materials into categories. Students were then introduced to the concepts of 'physical changes' and 'chemical changes'. Students then sorted the descriptions using these categories in their Venn diagram. 

In week 6, students investigated what happens to the rate of reaction (of a fizzy 'Berocca' tablet) when we change the temperature of the water.