Middle School

Year 9 Media | Year 10 Wood Tech

Year 9 Media 

Making Stop Motion films in Year 9 Media




For the past couple of weeks, the Year 9 Media elective class has been thoroughly planning and creating characters and settings for their stop motion film assessments. 


Before we began filming and creating, we watched a stop motion film and did a research task on stop motion and some directors we knew of. To help with the assessments, we also watched previous stop motion films created by previous Media students over the years. In pairs, or groups of three, we brainstormed ideas, planned the roles, the storyline, and the sound and light effects our films would incorporate. 


Over the holidays, some groups created their backgrounds/sets to take into class with them, whilst some created their sets in class. 


During our first double back in week 1 of Term 4, we created our characters using Play-Doh we brought in and made adjustments as needed. The next time we had Media, we set up our props in our own different areas around the room to take photos for our films, which also included various props. We took a series of pictures, moving each object and character slowly. Once all of our photos were taken we used apps such as Movie Maker or Adobe Premiere Pro to edit all of our photos into one 30-second film. All the accompanying sound and light effects were added from online sources. 


It was a really fun experience that allowed us to be creative in a collaborative manner, exploring the popular medium of stop motion animations. - Taya Rapoport

Year 10 Wood Tech

For the last unit of work for Semester 2, the Year 10 Wood Tech class worked in groups to design and create some timber games. The games included Jenga, Finska (a Viking bowling game) and cornhole.


On the last day for Year 10, the class spent the afternoon sharing, testing and playing the games they had created, even Mr Russell couldn't resist joining in!