Primary School

Spring Bay Mill Camp Student Report

The moment we got to camp we were able to see so many interesting things to do and memories to make. We were first introduced to our dining room where we were constantly delivered scrumptious food that was grown and made on the property. We were then introduced to some of the places around the area like the tin shed (where we had to sleep for the first night because of wind) and had a lap around the eighty-acre piece of land. We were then allowed to go to a pebbled beach where we fished, skipped rocks and got to climb the rocks along the shore. One of the best bits about camp was we got to go to the beach every day. Through the next week we periodically went to the garden where we planted flowers, learned about micro greens and grew our knowledge on herbs. The best day was when we went to Maria Island because we got to go on a boat ride and sit on the top deck. When we landed we were immediately greeted with the cute furry faces of wombats. We saw about 15. We went on two hikes where we got to look out to the sea from the top of a cliff. We got to do many other things at camp like surfing and fishing. Going to camp was an eye opening experience that we all loved and we hope to go again.


By Jack Hicks

Grade 6B

Infant Athletics Carnival (Kinder-Grade 2)

The Infant Athletics Carnival (Kinder to Grade 2) is on Monday 28 November. (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE)


The goal of this carnival is to give students an opportunity to participate in a variety of athletic events in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Emphasis is put on ‘having a go’, ‘persistence’ and ‘trying your best’. The running and relay races challenge students to use their physical skills and energy, the vortex and long jump event allow students to try and better their attempts.


Participation in all events is encouraged.


Parents and family members are very welcome to attend to watch and cheer on participants and are invited to move around the oval to view their child's events from a closer vantage point.


Please register your presence on the College oval by signing in at the manned desk near the oval entrance from the carpark end. Please remain on the oval for the event.


If you take your child/children home early from the oval, you will need to sign them out.


Students are required to wear their PE shorts, house-coloured t-shirts or school PE t-shirts, school hats and sunscreen, and pack their morning tea, fruit and lunch as usual. Extra energy giving snacks will also be appreciated. Don't forget water bottles!


T-shirts in House colours are available in limited sizes to purchase from the school office for $5.

Bravehearts - Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Education Program - Kinder to Grade 2

The Bravehearts Educational team will be visiting Southern Christian College next week to deliver a message about personal safety in a fun and engaging performance.


Students from Kinder to Grade 2 will be attending Ditto’s Keep Safe  Adventure Education Program on Tuesday 22 November at 2pm. Attending students are requested to bring a gold coin donation.


Parents are most welcome to attend. Please sign in at the office upon arrival.


If you do not wish for your child to attend the show please notify the school.


A Consent2Go was sent for students who will be attending.


For additional information please click on link below:

Please check your child's hair for head lice TODAY!!  (Repeat)

Head Lice have been found amongst the children in the Primary classes. Please check your child’s hair today!


Under Department of Education and Department of Health and Human Services policy, your child is required to remain away from school until after use of a recommended treatment and an attempt to remove all of the eggs (nits).


Please view the Head Lice Letter and DHHS Information Sheet by clicking on the PDF below: