Digital Technologies

Dear families,
The Year 5 students this term have been working individually or in pairs on developing and recording a podcast. The podcast can be on any topic that the students would like to investigate or that they are interested in. Some of the podcast topics are: best takeaway foods, conspiracy theories, Cobra Kai, sporting themes, battle of the songs, guitar lessons, gaming, animals and movies. Quite an array of topics. The students have researched their topics and are now in the middle of recording their podcasts. Some groups are recording from prepared scripts, some are using dot points to help and some are totally ad libbing. The students then listen back to what they have recorded and decide whether they need to edit, re-record or keep what they have recorded. The students certainly are very critical of their work and want the best. They realise that it is not so easy to speak for 5 minutes, and to make the recording sound interesting and without pauses or "Ummmmm".
In the next couple of weeks the students will add transitions between recordings, sound effects and music. If time permits they will also design a logo for their podcasts. Students finally will decide whether they want to publish their podcast on Spotify. Very exciting.
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEMMS Teacher