Principal's Post

Dear Families,
Thank you to all families who attended last Friday's working bee. It was so satisfying to see parents on site interacting with each other while getting some crucial tasks completed. The working bee provided an opportunity for parents of different year levels to meet one another. After two years of COVID, this was great to see. We also had students from a variety of year levels playing together too. It was a great community atmosphere, one could say!
The main tasks included spreading mulch, weeding, clearing spouting, clearing drains, cleaning bag lockers, tidying the quadrangle and sorting lego.
Thanks to the Gomez family for donating the BBQ food.
We have a number of learning opportunities, extra curricular events and celebrations over the final six weeks of the year. Please ensure you keep up to date with all that is happening via our newsletters, emails and Operoo.
Our Parish Fete in two weeks time promises to be a fantastic community celebration. I know that the stall holders are looking to sign up volunteers to help out on a shift. I would expect that each family would have a parent volunteer to complete at least one hour on a fete stall if not helping out in another way.
Fete Raffle Tickets
Please return all tickets sold or unsold by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest
We have approximately 50 books unaccounted for.
The early return of books prize draws were won by:
The Skerry family, via Poppy - $50 Coles voucher
The McDade family, via Isla - $50 Buccatini voucher
Please remember 50 % of all sales, that's $1 for each ticket sold goes directly to our St James P & F fundraising efforts.
Remembrance Day
This Friday we have a representative group of students attending the service at Halliday Park. You are invited to send along the name of a deceased relative who served in the Armed Forces. The first 25 names will have a named cross placed at Halliday Park, honouring their service. Please send names to Carmel by the end of tomorrow (
We will have a service here at school on Friday, starting at 11:00am. You're welcome to attend. Children are invited to bring along a flower from the garden to place around the flag pole during the service.
Once again James Sweatman, Tim Flintoff, Daniel Egan, Josh Crowe and myself are supporting this initiative. Please put up with the not so good looks as we progress through the month. There are a few more details, including pics and how to donate to the cause on the Student Wellbeing page.
Swimming Program
A reminder that our Prep- Year 4 swimming program begins next Monday.
Don't forget:
- All children need to bring their underwear, goggles, towel and brush marked clearly with their name in a bag to school.
- All children may wear thongs to and from the pool.
- Students need to have their bathers on, under their uniform when going to the pool.
- No food need be taken to the pool, eating times are adjusted accordingly.
- Children are not permitted to bring money to purchase food from the café.
- There will be a pyjama / clothed swim activity on Thursday 24 November.
- The pool have requested that those wearing bikinis wear a rash vest.
- Student with hair below the shoulders to tie it up or wear a cap.
- Children not going swimming will be given work to do in another class.
- If your child is asthmatic, they MUST bring their medication to the pool EVERY DAY.
- Don't forget that you're welcome to come along and watch poolside during your child's lesson. We are encouraging all children to dress independently, so we won't need you in the change rooms!
Uniform Supplier - Spartan
Just a reminder that we have changed over to Spartan as our uniform supplier. Parents have the option to either visit the store in Bayswater to make a purchase, click and collect or order online and have purchases delivered to school (orders placed by close of business Tuesday will arrive at St James on the following Thursday and we will distribute them to students to take home in their bags). See the attached price list and information.
Socktober Celebrations
Thanks to our Year Five and Six students lead by Mrs Monica DeLeo for our Socktober Day fun.
"The Socktober was very fun and everyone had such cool socks! It wasn’t the best weather but we still had the shootout and the game is tomorrow the 8th of November. We raised $537.40. It was a great turnout and everyone had lots of fun. Thanks to all the teachers that helped, especially Mrs De Leo for organising Socktober, Tim Flintoff being the referee and the goalies: Daniel Egan, David Mutimer and Veronica Brightwell".
From Bethany Brockhoff and Jessica Lagos in 5E
The staff versus student soccer match, which was delayed due to rain, is scheduled for tomorrow lunchtime.
Election Information from MACS
School Closure Days: Friday 18 November and Monday 5 December
Friday 18 November is our Parish Religious Education Faith development day where we combine with St John's Mitcham while the fete set up takes place. This year we are visiting the Mary Mackillop Heritage Centre in the city.
Monday 5 December is our 2022 review and 2023 planning day.
Camp Australia will be available for student care on both of these days.
Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 students in 2023
27 January 2023 - Applications will open for Year 5 student commencing Year 7 in 2024
18 August 2023 - Applications will close
20 October 2023 - Offers to be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants
10 November 2023 - Final date for Parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school
Student Wellbeing Seminar
The final webinar in our 'Healthy Families' series will be hosted on November 17th.
Presenter: Carley McGauran
Date: Thursday 17 November
Time: 7.30pm (60 min)
Here is the link for your parents to register for the webinar:
COVID Update
Please keep up the safe practices we have been maintaining all year which includes keeping students at home who have tested positive or who have COVID symptoms. While we have had a few cases across the school, among staff and students, it appears that the spread has slowed down.
We will send home a box of RATs for each student later this week.
In Brief:
- Congratulations to Mrs Foster who is now a grandma to precious Lily!
- Check out our new FETE page listed on the LHS menu bar. Please volunteer to assist in some way. Many hands make light work!
- Don't forget to send along your donations of chocolate and/ or bags of lollies for the fete. Much appreciated.
- Year 5 Parents' Information Evening: 2023 Year Six Leadership and Camp explained Tuesday 8 November, 7.00pm - 7.45pm.
Have a great week!