P & F Newsletter

Hi St James families,
Thank you so much to everyone in our community for your cooperation in setting up your CDF Pay accounts and ordering for the upcoming special food day online!. There were only a handful of glitches in the system which were easily resolved and oh my goodness, how easy it was for me to push a button and receive class and whole school reports detailing what needed to be ordered! So much easier for everyone!!
Thank you to those who have signed up to help at our food day this week when I put a call on Thursday.
Thanks to Aquinas College Canteen for providing much of the food and we hope you as parents look forward to a lunch making free day this Wednesday!
Our St John's Fete committee have been working hard over many months and Stall Holders more recently to put together this much loved whole community event BUT we still need MANY volunteers on all stalls to make sure this can go ahead and be a success. Jen Harvey is once again our St James Committee Representative and once again she has been doing a power of work to bring this whole community event back to the newly landscaped St John's School grounds. Whilst the fete is held at St Johns this is also very much our fete too and we as a school receive equal profits. If everyone in our community gave an hour or two then it shares the workload and means we can keep the stalls running throughout the day. Whilst attending and enjoying the day with your family please consider giving an hour of your time to help in some way. There are many spots and stalls to choose from!
Below is a link to all the latest information including cake stall requests and a link to book tickets for rides. It also includes links to all the stalls and set up/pack up days/times where you can sign up to help:
fete news_2 weeks till fete day.pdf
All the details are above but here are some important dates:
- 18th November: PLANT DROP OFF at Plant Stall (from 11am)
- 18th November: CAKE DROP OFF at Cake Stall (1pm – 3pm)
- ***19th November: FETE DAY 10am – 5pm***
- 19th November: Bump Out; 5pm – 7.30pm.
- 20th November: Working Bee; 9am – 1pm. BBQ lunch provided
- 7th December: Post Fete Review; 7.30pm
Just a quick plug again for my own stall that I run with Lena Zappia. We have had a few old and new face painting volunteers sign up to help but still need a few more...we hate to turn kids away because there aren't enough of us! With a few tips and a little practice it really is quite easy to replicate our designs and we think the funnest stall to volunteer on! Please contact me if you are interested and want some tips or supplies to practice with.
We also really need CASHIERS to take money and manage those eagerly waiting in line. It's an easy and fun job but we don't have many yet to help here so please sign up if you can: volunteersignup.org/DXM3C
Other stallholders please contact me if you would like me to advertise the spots that still need to be filled on your stall.
While we are focusing on the FETE this week we really need to plan for many roles and events to be held next year. In coming weeks this will become a major focus but it will really help if we can get some support as 2023 approaches. Thank you very much to the 3 people who have signed up for roles next year already but we need a lot more to see the P&F events continue.
Here is the link to see the various roles for 2023 and to sign up!
and below is a document listing the roles and duties of each role:
P&F 2023 Position Listings.docx
REMEMBER we have lots of planning documents, flyers, information and support for volunteers and we can't emphasise enough that it is a great way to get involved, meet people and maybe even learn some new skills. It is also a really great feeling when an event you have been involved in planning is a success, is enjoyed by many and brings the community together!
If you have undertaken a role this year and are happy to continue could you please sign up as soon as possible. It is very helpful and much appreciated to have some people around who know the ropes!
We almost always have the answers and if not know where to find them!
Thank you for your support,
Kylie and Sheleigh
St James Parent and Friends Association