Giulia Imbrogno


Inside play - We decided to have some fun with balloons, balls and a parachute! The challenge of getting all the balls and balloons off the parachute was met with much laughter and excitement from all the children.


Payment of Fees 

OSHC fees need to be paid on a weekly basis.  Weekly statements/tax invoices are emailed out to all parents on Tuesday.  All fees are due the week after care is provided.  

Payment Options available:   

Electronic Fund Transfer into OSHC Bank Account  

             St Brigid’s School OSHC  

             BSB: 085005  

             Account No: 456659866  

             Reference: Student’s Name & OSHC 

EFTPOS or cash payments in person at School Front Office - Please have your statement/tax invoice with you. 


Please make an appointment with the Director to discuss and make arrangements if payments become a concern.  Any decisions on payment methods for late fees must be mutually agreed on by the Principal and/or OSHC Director. 


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning


Giulia Imbrogno

OSHC Director