
Parent/Carer Self-Care Webinar
The City of Whitehorse has partnered with Boroondara Youth and Restoring Resilience to host a free parent/carer self-care webinar.
This webinar is for anyone in a parent or caring role who is interested in improving their self-care routine!
Date: Wednesday 7 December 2022
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Online, via Microsoft Teams
To register or for more information visit:www.boroondara.vic.gov.au/events or phone 9278 4608
About Real Life Webinar - Sexuality & Safety...moving into secondary school
Parents generally agree that the best thing you can give your child is a good education. In today's world youngsters moving into the wider world of secondary school need an understanding of sexuality, protective behaviours, the law around sharing images and consent, and how to manage exposure to online content. Too many of them are too unaware of their rights and responsibilities. So join Sue Pain as she shares the what, why and how of preparing your child for year 7, 2023.
Sexuality & Safety...moving into secondary school
Wednesday, 30th November, 7.30 - 9pm
Onsite Counselling
This term we are fortunate to once again have our two Provisional Psychologists from ISN Psychology to Holy Saviour. Ciaran Barton will be working with us on Mondays and Fridays and Audrey Tran will be working with us on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Here's a little bit about them:
My name is Ciaran and I am a Provisional Psychologist that has lots of experience working with children of all ages and love seeing them grow and develop. I focus on working with their strengths and making sure that we can have fun while we learn about ourselves and others. I am a huge Richmond supporter and you might see me screaming at my TV (or the game) when we lose. I have a dog named Roger and he loves to give me his puppy dog eyes to get what he wants. I look forward to being part of this great school and working with all of their intelligent, fun, and diverse students.
Hello! My name is Audrey and I am a provisional psychologist. First of all, I just want to say how excited I am to be at Holy Saviour Primary School and getting to know all the amazing kids at the school. Now a little about me, my hobbies include playing games on the switch and watching tv shows and movies. I am a massive Harry Potter fan so you'll often see me wearing my Slytherin scarf around the school. Come say hi when you see me around the school on Tuesday and Fridays!
If any parents are seeking counselling support for their children, please make contact with me and I can organise to send consent forms home with your child (or via email).
Carly Corcoran
Child Safety Officer
Learning Diversity/Student Wellbeing Leader