General News

Joke of the Week
Margaret was a very saintly woman. She went to Mass most mornings and never missed a Sunday service. She also would go to confession regularly as she believed that was what God wanted of her. While Margaret was a good Catholic, her one issue was her forgetfulness. So she always arrived at the church with a list of her sins written on a piece of paper so she wouldn’t forget to tell the priest all her misdemeanours for the week. And rather than announce her sins loudly because she was also a little deaf, Margaret had a tendency to shout. Therefore, she would hand over the list to the priest so he could recount her sins one by one before offering penance and giving her absolution.
On one particular Saturday, as was usual practice, Margaret handed the priest her list of sins. The priest looked at the list with a bewildered look on his face.
“I don’t quite understand. What is this? It looks like a grocery list.”
He handed the list back to Margaret.
“Oh dear Lord!” she bellowed. “I must have left my sins at the supermarket.”
Prep/1/2KV Christmas Assembly - Thursday 1st December
Please note that the Prep/1/2KV Christmas Assembly has been changed to Thursday 1st December, 2.30pm. Apologies to those families that may have diarised it for Tuesday 29th December. All are welcome to attend this special assembly and then go on to view the Holy Saviour Art Show afterwards.
Holy Saviour Art Show
Holy Saviour is proud to present the 2022 Holy Saviour Art Show on Thursday 1st December 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Come along to view the creative masterpieces of our amazing children and enjoy some afternoon tea and live music from our music students. The Art show will also be open on Friday 2nd December, from 8.30am - 11.30am for our Grandparents Day as well after school, 3.30pm - 4.30pm.
Grandparents Day - Friday 2nd December
Last term we were unable to hold Grandparents Day so we have rescheduled this for Friday 2nd of December. Please extend the invitation to all grand parents / special friends to come along. Grandparents / Special friends are welcome to attend Mass at 9.15am followed by a classroom activity with the children. Grandparents will then be invited to have some morning tea and view the art show in the multipurpose hall. We are looking forward to welcoming our grandparents / special friends on this day.
St Vincent de Paul Appeal & Christmas Themed Free Dress Day
On Thursday 8th December, children are invited to wear Christmas Themed Free Dress and to bring along non-perishable food donations for the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal to support families in need this Christmas.
All donated food will help St Vincent de Paul make some great Christmas Hampers and make a difference to families in need. Each year level has been allocated two items we would like you to focus on donating. This is so we can get a good range of foods.
Donations are being accepted in classrooms from now until Friday 9th December.
Class Level Food Allocations
Prep / Year 1/2– cereal/long life milk /tea/coffee/biscuits (sweet/savoury)
Year 3/4 – tinned foods (eg fruit/vegetables/fish/meat/soup)
Year 5/6 – rice/pasta/sauces to make a meal
Of course, ALL donations are welcome and are not limited to specific year levels.
St Vincent de Paul has requested that these items are undamaged and have a use-by date beyond March 2023. Please don’t feel restricted to the above items; this is a guide so we don’t get overloaded with the one food item. Any donations are greatly appreciated; we thank you for your generosity.
Bakers Delight Christmas Fundraiser
Its that time of the year again! Bakers Delight Vermont South, would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase delicious Fruit Mince Tarts, Lemon Tarts, Christmas Cakes, Christmas Tree Cakes and Small Cakes for the festive season. For every six-pack of Christmas Tarts or cakes you order, Bakers Delight Vermont South will give $2.00 to the school.
Simply place your order via CDFpay by Monday 12th December and your order will be delivered to the school ready for collection on Thursday 15th December.
Remember to ask family and friends if they would like to order some too!
Library Books
Last Tuesday 22nd November, was the children's last library borrowing session for the year. In the coming weeks please remember to return all books that might still be at home. Please contact the office or classroom teacher if you are unsure of which books might be overdue.
Book Club
Just a reminder to submit any orders from the issue 8 Scholastic Book Club catalogue. This will be the final catalogue for 2022. There are some awesome Christmas ideas so take the time to browse. Please submit all orders by Sunday 27th November, 5pm. To view the catalogues online and to place your orders please click here.
Sunsmart Policy
We remind parents and children that term 4 has a ‘No Hat – No Play’ Sunsmart policy. The hat must be a proper Holy Saviour hat. normal caps with other logos are not our school uniform and children will not be allowed to play unless it is the proper hat. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony & Party
The Grade 6 Graduation ceremony is currently scheduled for Tuesday 13th December. More details regarding this event will be communicated later in term 4.
The grade 6 Graduation party will be held on Friday 9th December. As this is a parent-run event a committee has been formed to plan and arrange the party.Please email Belinda if you would like to be involved.
Second Hand Uniforms
Second hand uniforms are currently set up in the office. If anyone is interested in purchasing a second hand uniform, please either come in and speak with either Sherridan or Kerry or email the office with your request and sizing requirements and we will check to see if the item is available. If it is, we will notify you. All we charge for second hand uniforms is a gold coin donation. Please note however that not all sizes and items will be in stock.
Excel Music Lessons At Holy Saviour
If your child is interested in music lessons in guitar, keyboard or drums. Please complete an enrolment form and return it either to the office or email it directly to More information about Excel Music can be found here.
Sports Uniform
The new House tops are now available to purchase from PSW. Like any uniform change, there will be a “phasing in period” for the new sport polos, with the expectation that by the beginning of 2024, all children will be wearing the new polos. The current Sky-Blue polo and Senior School Sports Top are no longer available for purchase from PSW. All other uniform items remain the same.
Skoolbag App
Skoolbag have made a few changes in their latest update. If you have problems logging in via your device, then please download the latest update via the App Store. Please refer to the below instructions on how to install Skoolbag if you have not already done so. If you have any questions or problems then please contact the office.
Multi Purpose Hall Bookings
Please note that the Multi Purpose Hall is now available for hire on weekends or after 6pm during the school week. All bookings are to be made through the school office. A copy of the hire agreement can be found here, please feel free to share this information with those looking for spaces to hire.
Follow us on Social Media
Don’t forget, Holy Saviour now has a Facebook page & Twitter! Search for “Holy Saviour Primary School, Vermont South” or “@HolySaviourPS”, then like and share our page to keep up to date with what is happening around the school. We also need people to review our school via the facebook page, so please do this too! The page will be mainly used to promote the school and celebrate achievements of our students. Don’t forget, we are also on Twitter @HolySaviourPSand Instagram “holy_saviour_ps_vs” !