News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

MonDear Parents and Carers,

Wow! What a year! It started with Covid restrictions still in place, wet and wild weather, RAHT testing, a new principal and a sense of optimism! And here we are now! We should all feel proud of what we have achieved together as the year comes to an end. We have all worked hard, stayed strong, trusted in each other, persevered and persisted, faced the challenges that came our way and celebrated the many successes and joys.


I’d like to thank Father Julian and Father Anderson for their spiritual guidance and support. We value your prayers, your energy, your ministry of the Sacramental Programs and the relationship we have with you as a school and parish family. 


To Mrs Gordon and the school executive leadership team - thank you for all that you do to support the students, parents, teachers and wider community. Your wisdom, experience, collaborative team approach and willingness to ensure that everyone is safe, feels connected, is informed, that their needs are met, that learning is alive, celebrated and shared is reflective of the dynamic, thriving Catholic community here at OLF! 


I’d also like to thank all the staff- teachers, office staff and LSO’s for the commitment, enthusiasm and energy they have shown toward their work with the students. Their professionalism, flexibility, and dedication reflect a spirited passion as educators. They have worked tirelessly to inspire and motivate the students who know how to collaborate, think creatively, solve problems and be innovative. We are lucky to have so much talent and wisdom here at Our Lady of Fatima! 


As we prepare to say goodbye to staff members who will be leaving our community this year we thank them for their service and for the time they have spent at Our Lady of Fatima. Mrs Yates, Mrs Dooley, Mrs Patrick, Ms Withers, Ms Sprod, Mrs Peterson, Ms Little, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Potter from the office. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with us so willingly and generously during your time at OLF. We wish you all the best as you retire, take on new roles, join new communities and start new endeavours. May you take with you the spirit of Our Lady of Fatima and the gentle mercy touch of Catherine MacAuley. 


Thank you parents for your part in the educational partnership we share here at Our Lady of Fatima. Thank you for the warmth you extended in welcoming me this year and the trust and support you place in us all every day as we worked together in partnership. 


I would also like to acknowledge the families who are leaving the school this year. Some of these families have been part of Our Lady of Fatima for many years. The community has been enriched because of their generosity and hard work. 


Finally, to all the students- thank you for the joy, creativity and excitement you show towards your learning and the respect and care you have for each other in living out our school motto. Your enthusiasm and smiles and the positive way you have “shared the good news of joy” in all that you do have made our school a welcoming place of excellence! Thank you boys and girls for making my first year as your Principal so much fun and so rewarding. 


A special thank you to Year 6 for the leadership they have given to the school this year. We will miss your generous personalities, enthusiastic approach to learning, boundless energy and good spirit. I join the staff in wishing them every success in high school and in the coming years.


I look forward to working with you all again next year with excitement and enthusiasm. Enjoy the well earned break with your families. May your Christmas be filled with much joy, happiness and peace. I pray that the Lord will keep you all safe and “hold you gently in the palm of his hand” until we meet again. 

SCS Sports Awards 

SCS Sports Awards was held last week to acknowledge outstanding sporting achievements throughout this year across the system. Congratulations to Zac Brown (Swimming), Olivia Shaw ( Soccer), Hugo Chwastek (Tennis) for receiving one of these special awards.

SCS  Early Childhood Centre

Click below for a peek into the Early Childhood Centre (situated behind the school and Church) which is due to open next year. It looks amazing! 

Staffing 2023

Change of School Times in 2023

Next year our school times will change and we will finish school at 3:00pm. Our school day will continue to start at 8:50am. (Please note that supervision is provided until 3:30pm each day)

Staff Development Days for 2023

Next year our proposed dates for our Staff development days are:

  • Term 1- Monday, 30th January 2023
  • Term 2 - Monday, 24th April 2023 and Tuesday, 13th June 2023
  • Term 3 - Monday, 17th July and Friday, 22nd September 2023
  • Term 4 - Monday, 9th October 2023 and Monday, 18th December 2023

Please note that these dates may change and if they do you will be given plenty of notice.

School for 2023 will commence on:

  • Tuesday, 31st January, 2023 for Years 1-6 
  • Wednesday, 1st February, 2023 Kindergarten Group 1 (A-K surnames)
  • Thursday, 2nd February, 2023 Kindergarten Group 2 (L-Z surnames) 
  • Friday, 3rd February, 2023 - Whole School K-6


Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal