Mission News

Mr Luke McMahon


We pray for all those in our community who are unwell or suffering at this time.


Mary our Good Mother                                                 Pray for us 

St Marcellin Champagnat                                             Pray for us 

St Mary of the Cross                                                       Pray for us 

And may we always remember                                  To pray for one another 



May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen


For us, Marists, Jesus is the human face of God. In a privileged way we encounter him in the three special Marist, where places Jesus reveals God to us. 

At the Crib we find the innocence, simplicity, gentleness and even weakness of a God who is capable of touching the hardest of hearts ... There is no room for fear of a God who became a child.


 At the foot of the Cross, we are in awe of a God who loves us without reserve. We find a God who shares the physical and psychological suffering, betrayal, abandonment and violence experienced by humanity, and transforms these experiences. 


 At the Altar, the Eucharist, we find a privileged place to enter into communion with the Body of Christ: to stand as one with all who are members and to deepen our relationship with the living presence of Jesus in our lives. (Extract from Water from the Rock. Marist Spirituality)


This Christmas time let us remember and enter the simple, unique and beautiful meeting place of the crib. The God of simplicity, gentleness, wonder and awe, that invites us to a rich and full life of love in him. 


Many thanks to all members of the Marist Community who have contributed to the Mission work of the College in this 2022 year. The energy and patience of the staff, students and families have enabled a faith-filled focus of service and life. 


We look forward to a New Year full of the joy the infant Jesus can bring to each of us. Christmas blessings and peace. 

Marist College Ashgrove and St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal – Thank you  

A heartfelt thank you to our students, parents, pastoral care group teachers, library and staff for your generous support of the St Vincent de Paul and MCA Christmas Appeal for 2022.  Your donations will help bring joy and hope to over 70 families in our local area and the Downs and West area this year. Thank you.

Senior Graduation 

Last Friday with great joy and ceremony the College farewelled the Seniors of 2022. In the Graduation Mass we were able to use these final blessings. Both of these prayers are beautiful reminders to us all of commitment to enriching the lives of young people, providing education and care. 


By the Seniors

Loving God,

We stand here at the close of our school days. As we look back and remember, we recall many different places, happenings and people.  We acknowledge that we have been blest and favoured – that Your hand has been upon us, gifting and guiding us.  For all that has been given to us we offer our heartfelt gratitude.


Bless and support those who have helped bring us to this day.  May we always show love to our families, loyalty to our friends, respect to our school.  May the path they have set for us, lead to a future which is enriched by compassion, nobility and a willingness to Act Courageously and generously in everything that we do.  in all this we ask Your help, Lord Jesus, and the prayers of Mary, our Good Mother. Amen 


By the Parents

Gracious God,

As they end this part of their lives, I ask your special blessing on my son and his fellow graduates.


Give them your protection and blessing.  May the efforts that have been made to set them on the right course lead to a bright and fruitful future.  When they confront difficulties may they find the inner strength to overcome them.  When they face failure may they find the faith to accept the moment and start again. When they find something worthwhile may they have the courage to make a commitment.  Grant them the best desires of their hearts and make them a sign of hope to all.  We ask this with all our heart and in your name. Amen. 

Stationery Aid 

Run solely by volunteers, Stationery Aid collect, sort, clean and deliver donated stationery items to students in need. These items can be used or unused items. Started by one of our very own Marist families it is a great way to repurpose stationery items. 


We are delighted to welcome Stationery Aid as part of the MATES program. The Stationery Aid collection bin can be found outside the Studies office. 


Stationery Aid is offering volunteering opportunities in the holidays if any Marist College students or families are interested in assisting. For further information about the volunteering or about Stationery Aid please contact Alison Schutt Founder of Stationery Aid at alison@stationeryaid.org