Classroom News

Prep and Year 1
Over the past two weeks the Prep and Year 1 students have been busy planting and caring for their very own plants. They have had to make sure their plants are getting sun/shade, water and have also had to wait patiently to watch them grow. This wonderful activity has connected to quite a few of our learning areas recently.
In our Inquiry unit we have been learning all about living things, which the students have now learnt includes plants! And in our Religion unit we have been learning all about Creation and how we can help God to look after the plants, animals and the people around us. As we are getting closer to Christmas, we will begin learning about Advent in our Religion Unit as well. Our planting activity has also shown the students the importance of preparation, waiting and hope just as Advent does.
We have been patiently waiting and with much excitement this week, we noticed that some of the plants have started to flower!
Year 2
During Maths, the Year 2s have been busy measuring and comparing several objects based on their length, area, volume/capacity and mass. They have done an excellent job at estimating and explaining the reasoning behind their estimations. It was great to head outdoors and play with water while the sun shone.
Year 2 and Year 3/4
Endangered Animals
After a fantastic trip to the Melbourne Zoo, the Year 2 and Year 3/4 students were bursting to find out more about the various endangered animals they had seen. Below you can see the students working diligently to find out why their particular animal is endangered and the impact their endangerment has on our ecosystem.
Year 2 and Year 5/6
ICT Time
As the Year 2s head into Year 3, Denise and the Year 5/6s kindly donated their time to teach the Year 2s how to navigate various Google Drive features. The Years 2s loved learning how to set up their own folders and how to correctly name and save their Google Documents. The Year 5/6s also taught the Year 2s a little more about Google Slides and how to make an appealing slideshow. It was great to see the Year 5/6s being so explicit and patient with their Year 2 partners. Well done!
Year 4/5
So we finished our serial reader super earlier than expected and today watched the original 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' with the class. Great fun!
Our last serial reader for 2022 in Year 4/5 is Morris Gleitzman's 'Boy Overboard', a story of hope and despair and a panacea into Australia's treatment of asylum seekers at the time of the war in Afghanistan. It is also being used as a reminder of the story of Jesus at Christmas, a family seeking refuge in order to give birth to their child. The students are really engaged and are loving the writing of Morris Gleitzman.
Next week we will share some of the work we have been doing on Informational Texts related to our Inquiry Unit on Climate Change. Lots of great learning happening in 4/5!
Year 5/6
Inquiry Topic - Climate Change
We have been working on books to share with the school community. Here are examples of some of the pages in the books.
By Isabelle and Mia
By Bernice and Jemimah
By Caitlin and Sheen
By Ayisha and Hansvi
By Brian and John