Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
During these times of flooding, tension amongst countries and economic hardship and strain on families we ask:
Sacrament of Reconciliation
We congratulate our Year Three students
Jasmine Gail Martina Aleisha Maxie
Roman Lauren Katelin
who make their First Reconciliation tonight at 6.00pm at Sacred Heart Church. We pray for them as they take the next step in their faith journey.
Good Samaritan Award Winners
Congratulations to our Good Samaritan Award winners announced at today's assembly
Enock Jaxon Ava Luke
Chloe Brenton Stephanie
Election Day Cake Stall
Our school will act as a voting venue Saturday week, 26th November. Our hard working, passionate Parents and Friend's group are holding a cake stall as a fund raiser on the day. During the federal election held earlier this year, the cake stall made nearly $1,000 for our school. Whilst further details will be given on Monday we ask
- Cakes/slices/biscuits be brought to school by Friday 25th November
- Cakes, etc. are not to require refrigeration
- Cakes, etc. are not to have fresh cream as an ingredient
- Cakes, etc. will need to have ingredients specified and attached to item (we will supply a template next week)
If you are coming to vote at Sacred Heart Saturday week and would like donate some time helping at the stall, please let either Jodi or myself know. We are planning to sell cakes from 9.00am until approximately1.00pm.
Athletics Carnival
Tomorrow we have our first athletics carnival since 2019. Our students will be walking across to Parade College, Preston Campus to begin events at approximately 9.15am. Students are to wear their sports uniform (and if possible house colour tshirt). We will return to school approximately shortly after 2.00pm.
Please be aware there are no lunch orders tomorrow so all students need to bring lunch and a snack as usual. Students will need to wear their sun hats as we will be outside for a considerable period of time.
Parents are warmly invited to attend the day and watch but this has to be after 11.30am as Parade will have some students on campus. If you wish to help out with activities, you will need to have your working with children check, I will need to sight it, record your presence and you will need to accompany us across to Parade at 9.00am. See me in the morning when you arrive at Sacred Heart if you wish to help.
Working Bee
Thank you to the great parents and staff members Marty and Marie who spent a couple of hours after school last Friday working in the garden. When I arrived at school on Monday, it was so evident to see the results of all your hard work. Thank you so much.
Remembrance Day
Thank you to our Year Five and Six students in Denise's class, who allowed us to reflect upon the significance of Remembrance Day with a spirit filled ceremony last Friday. A special part of the ceremony was the beautiful heart felt singing of "This Remembrance Day" by our Year Two class. Thank you to all involved for allowing us to reflect upon the sacrifice made by others so that we can enjoy the freedom and peace we so take for granted in our country.
School Fees
All parents and guardians will receive an invoice for this term's fees and any outstanding fees from previous terms next week. If you have paid your invoice for the year, I would like to thank you. I ask that if you have outstanding fees that your account please be settled in the next two weeks. We try and keep our fees as reasonable as possible and this relies on all families honouring their fee commitment.
Lunch Orders
Please be reminded that lunch orders will conclude for the year after next Friday 25th November. Lunch orders will recommence in 2023.
Future Australian Cricketers
Could these two students be playing for Australia in the near future? Glendon and Yash have started their cricket careers at the Reservoir Cobras Cricket Club.
Lost Property
In the next few weeks lost property items that have no name indicated are going to be washed and offered as second hand uniforms. If your child has been missing a piece of their uniform, I ask that you have a look through lost property in the coming week.
Joke From The Parish Bulletin
Margaret was a very saintly woman. She went to Mass most mornings and never missed a Sunday service. She also would go to confession regularly as she believed that was what God wanted of her. While Margaret was a good Catholic, her one issue was her forgetfulness. So she always arrived at the church with a list of her sins written on a piece of paper so she wouldn’t forget to tell the priest all her misdemeanours for the week. And rather than announce her sins loudly because she was also a little deaf, Margaret had a tendency to shout. Therefore, she would hand over the list to the priest so he could recount her sins one by one before offering penance and giving her absolution. On one particular Saturday, as was usual practice, Margaret handed the priest her list of sins. The priest looked at the list with a bewildered look on his face. “I don’t quite understand. What is this? It looks like a grocery list.” He handed the list back to Margaret. “Oh dear Lord!” she bellowed. “I must have left my sins at the supermarket.”
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney