Library News 

What a busy start to the term in the Library! We hosted the 2022 Library Conference on Thursday and Friday of Week One. Twenty six library enthusiasts from around the Armidale Diocese gathered in our Library shared space for two days of professional development. There's lots of exciting things happening across the libraries in our diocese!

Book Fair

The Book Fair started in Week Two and finished on Monday this week. It was again a huge success due to the continued support of our school community. How wonderful to be able to set up our own 'Book Shop' at school for a few days! Some organised parents even saw it as a fantastic opportunity to start some Christmas shopping! 


Brain Olympia

On Wednesday this week, 16 students travelled to St Edward's Primary in Tamworth to compete in the Tamworth Cluster Brain Olympia competition. Our two teams competed against eight others across four areas; general knowledge, problem solving, public speaking and drama presentations. After a strong start and tight public speaking and drama sections our students were awarded 1st and 3rd on the day! Our winners are looking forward to travelling to Narrabri in a few weeks for the final. A huge thank you to all involved, what a successful day!


Did you know that St Xavier’s students have access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks via the Armidale Catholic Schools Office Digital Library?

The digital library is accessible via the app called SORA, by Overdrive. Simply access the app store and search for Sora. Alternatively go to 

The next step will be for your child to log in using their own personal username and password. Students should know their username as it is the first part of their school email address, however if they need reminding please ask them to come and see me in the library. Their password is simply the same password that they use to log in to their chromebooks every day at school. 

The fabulous thing about SORA and the digital library is that it can be accessed from home and is available throughout the year, including during school holidays. This means access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks at any time!