Social and Emotional Learning Awards

Year 3-4 Social and Emotional Learning Awards will be presented at Senior Assembly on Friday 26th March


Next week  will be a whole school assembly on Wednesday @2:45pm


Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions only parents of the award recipients are able to attend assembly each week. 

We appreciate your understanding with this. 



Flynn 3EP- For his commitment in his reading and writing. Flynn has shown huge growth this term due to his persistence and maintaining a positive mindset. 


Andrew 3DH-  For demonstrating exemplary self-management skills. Well done Andrew. 


Rhys 3CS- for his excellent attitude towards learning. He confidently takes on challenges with a growth mindset. Well done!


Alice 3GL- For always having a Growth Mindset in all areas of her learning. Well done Alice!


Alana 4JD- For being a fantastic friend to everyone


 Dylan 4AL- For feeling open too trying and making new friends.


Tulip 4AG- For consistently including others, working collaboratively and showing kindness.


Elise 4AM- For using creative and direct words to roleplay positively working on relationship skills


Luca 5KP- For showing outstanding diligence toward his learning. 


Arlie 5AA- For showing commitment and determination with his learning goals especially in Maths. 


Grayson 5CL- For demonstrating fantastic leadership skills during class time and in his role as a Peer Connect Leader. Excellent stuff!   


Iluka 5CM- For being an absolutely brilliant student who always pushes herself to be her best. 


Mia 6CE- For staying on task and making responsible decisions.


Tahlia 6MR- For making great choices with her learning and always looking for ways to improve. 


Caleb 6BL- For demonstrating a growth mindset when completing his writing.


Alyssa 6RF- For always making responsible decisions within the classroom. And being a good role model to others.