Parent Information

The most effective ways to prevent gastro are:

  • wash hands thoroughly with soap and running water for 20 seconds, especially before preparing or eating meals and after using the toilet
  • anyone who develops vomiting or diarrhoea should stay home for 48 hours after their symptoms have passed, as they may still be infectious during this period
  • clean and sanitise facilities following Department of Health guidelines
  • see a GP for advice and testing if symptoms are severe or persist.



Curriculum Day- SMART Spelling

On Monday all teaching and support staff at Ocean Grove Primary School were part of our SMART Spelling Curriculum Day. 

SMART Spelling is an approach we will be using to develop confident and independent spellers. Over the course of the coming days, weeks and months your child may come home talking about SMART Spelling and the strategies involved. It was a great day of professional learning for all staff and we are looking forward to modifying our teaching and learning program to include the SMART Spelling approach.


“SMART Spelling incorporates both the systematic teaching of spelling each week and also personal words.  We teach in patterns as much as possible, so teachers choose a range of words (from simple to complex) from a suggested list in the manual.  Students are then guided to choose from that list, to meet different needs.  Teachers use their strong professional knowledge they gain in the course to give meaningful feedback to students about their spelling in writing, teaching at the point of need.”


I look forward to sharing aspects of our new learning with you throughout the course of the school year.


Ryan Baltetsch




Hot Cross Buns Reminder

Just a reminder that the Bakers Delight hot cross buns Easter fundraiser order form is due back to the school by Thursday 25th March.

Orders will be delivered to the school on Wednesday 31st March







Sentral Permission Slips

As you aware we are trialing permission slips with no payment via the sentral parent portal app. This allows the parents to simply log onto sentral to give permission for specific incursions/excursions. Both Parents will be notified and can view the permissions slip details, but as we have discovered only Parent A is able to give permission. 

If you are not Parent A and wish to give permission for your child/ren contact your child's teacher via the seesaw app to give permission. 

Alternatively you may contact the office if required.






Sign In/Sign Out Students During Class time

It is extremely important that you come into the office prior to signing your child/ren out of class time (or recess and lunch). 

Recess time: 10:40-11:10am

Lunch Time: 1:50-1:40pm

If you know that you are going to collect your child/ren during recess and lunch times please call the office prior to recess and lunch start times (if possible) to arrange having your child/ren at the office. Collecting students during recess and lunch with no notice can be very difficult as children don't always hear the announcements when they are outside. 


If you are collecting your child/ren during class time you will need to collect an early departure slip at the office FIRST which you can take to the teacher and they will know your child/ren are signed out at the office. 






(Riding to and from school)

We have had numerous reports of students who ride to and from school who are not observing and following the bike education rules! Please ensure you all speak to your children about the safety of themselves and others when riding!

Please Note: If your child is in Year 3 or below an adult must accompany them to and from school. Bike Education is conducted in Year 4. 





Music Tuition at OGPS


Sylvia Thomson, piano, call 0407 532 954 or email 

(Waiting list only currently available)


Matiss Schubert, guitar, call 0409 868 226 or email


Mike Holden, drums, email






Broad Brimmed Hats — Terms 1 and 4


A reminder that in Terms 1 and 4, it is compulsory  for students to wear a  dark blue broad brimmed or bucket hat (either plain or with school logo) whilst outside.  


Peaked caps, baseball caps or any other hats are not acceptable.  


Hats are available from the Uniform Shop (Looking Smart, 7 Marine Parade, Ocean Grove) 


Once again thanks to parents for helping to ensure life-long good habits that will protect children from sun exposure.





Year 7 2022 Information Evenings





To book in for the Year 7 Bellarine Secondary College Information night please click the link below to purchase a ticket.