
Welcome to Preschool!


It has been exciting times in the Preschool with Easter activities, butterfly observations, preschool photos, health checks and lots of exploration of colours, music, fairies and the world around us. If you haven't had a chance to browse through the preschool floor book yet then make sure you add this to your next visit. The preschool floor book shows the learning journey of the preschoolers and captures the precious moments of Early Childhood. Certainly worth a read! 





Is your child booked in to a day that they attend on alternate weeks? Please note that they will continue to either attend on either odd or even weeks depending on their session booking. These weeks are based on school weeks and not calendar weeks. If you are unsure of your child's bookings for Term 2 please see a preschool staff member. 



Keep a look out for updates on purchasing the preschool photos. Further details will be provided on the Preschool Edmodo page. 


Have you signed up to the Edmodo Preschool group?

The Edmodo app is used for communication between Preschool and home and includes updates of learning and how to support your child at home. If you have not already signed up please see a staff member for help in how to do so. 



The South Australian Public Health Act 2011 (the Act) states that approved immunisation records must be supplied by parents/guardians to the early childhood service at specified times. Following the South Australian schedule this includes after 4 year old immunisations. If your child has recently turned 4 please see a staff member about the immunisation requirements and provide an updated immunisation record. This is to ensure attendance in preschool can continue.