Community Hub

In the Community Hub participants had a wonderful Term 1 full of colour, joy and celebrations. Thank you for joining us.
After the school holiday break, we will re open the Hub on 27th April, 2021.
Here are a few dates and information to note for Term 2:
In week 1, we welcome participants for Coffee and Chat sessions only.
From week 2, regular sessions will be offered, including:
- English Lessons (Tuesday 12.30pm-2.30pm)
- Yoga: We are pleased to inform that Yoga will be offered for an hour from now on. (Wednesday 11.20pm-12.20pm)
- Playgroup (Thursday, 9.00am-10.30am)
- Financial Counselling (28th May & 18th June)
- Wellbeing counselling (upon request)
Please note,our Sewing session will be temporarily unavailable while equipment is serviced. We hope to offer the sessions again soon.
Any further queries contact Soneya (08 82649588) please.
We wish you a safe and happy holiday break.
Thank you