Social Justice News

MARCH MAD-ness - Mission Action Day 2021

Excitement is building for Mission Action Day - back in 2021 better than ever! All students have received a letter outlining the purpose and program for the day, namely that MAD will be held on Thursday 1st April the last day of Term 1 to raise awareness and funds to support the work of MAMI (Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate, the organisation through which the Oblates enlist the help of lay people) and the Oblate Fathers. The Oblates continue to serve the needy and marginalised communities facing increasing hardship and our annual fundraiser endeavours to support this work and build on the Catholic Social Teaching principles of upholding Human Dignity and working for Solidarity. 


The College community has shown its support for the MARCH MAD-ness activities that have been taking place over the last few weeks. Organised by our College Captain Anthony Young, Vice Captains James Russell, Anthony Vassiliadis, Josh Hicks and Head Prefects Ryan Dean, Mateo Acosta Ferndandez and ably supported by the YR 12 Prefects, YR 12 students and the staff we have had a range of activities to build excitement leading up to MAD.

  • The Great Debate, Staff Vs Students on the topic ‘That Mazenod should offer a sports’ scholarship’
  • Funky Friday with Free Dress Day, Sausage Sizzle and Staff vs Student Dodge Ball match
  • ‘Guess the number of lollies’ competition
  • Kick the bin/crossbar sports challenges
  • Easter Egg Raffle

Thanks to all of those involved for facilitating these events that bring us all together to respond to St Eugene de Mazenod’s challenge to ‘have but one heart, one soul’.


Close to $4000 has already been raised to support the work of MAMI and the Oblate Fathers. A tremendous effort that shows the generosity of our community.


Families are encouraged to make a donation to MAD 2021. Please donate according to your current financial situation. Donations can be given directly to the student counter, front office or to your homeroom teacher.


Please consider donating items for raffle prizes eg. gift vouchers, electronics, sporting gear, etc. Items can be delivered to the Student Counter or Reception where they will be gratefully received. Items big or small welcome as prizes will be bundled or stand-alone.


If you would like any further information please look at MazCom under Co-Curricular tile here

or contact Jacinta Girolami, Social Justice Co-ordinator, at the College via


The Great Debate Staff v Students 2021