Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher Interviews March 2021

Dates and times for this Semester’s Parent Teacher Interviews are listed below, all interviews are 5 minutes in duration. They will be conducted via a Google Meet. Your son should be present with you in the interview.


You are welcome to open the google meet link a minute or so before the booking time, the teacher will give you access when they are finished with their previous interview.


We conduct our Parent/Teacher/Student interviews in Term 1 as we believe that early contact with Parents is an essential element in successful study.  The primary purpose is to communicate with parents, informing you of your sons’ progress, and areas for improvement in Term 2. (For all subjects in semester 1, there will be a full report available by the end of Term 2).    Teachers are readily available to have appointments with all of their students.


Bookings can still be made via the PTO portal. Please refer to the email sent 17th March, containing login details and instructions, alternatively, all information is available via our website


There is plenty of availability on both Monday afternoon and Wednesday for bookings. Please be mindful that bookings for the following day close at 5pm each night


Should you have any queries, please contact the Front Office on 9560 0911


Monday 29th March

Some staff are available for this additional interview session - Bookings close 5pm Sunday 28th for this session.

Normal Monday bell timetable
Session 12.45pm - 4.15pm


Tuesday  30th March

Bookings close 5pm Monday 29th for these sessions.

Monday bell timetable.

All classes conclude 

at 12.15 this day.

Session 11.30pm - 2.45pm
Session 23.05pm - 4.30pm
Session 34.50pm - 6.15pm
Session 47.05pm - 8.30pm


Wednesday  31st March

Bookings close 5pm Tuesday 30th for these sessions.

NO classes this day.
Session 110.00am - 11.15am
Session 211.35am - 12.50pm
Session 31.20pm - 2.45pm
Session 43.05pm - 4.30pm
Session 54.50pm  - 6.15pm
Session 67.05pm - 8.30pm

For these interviews, we use the internet-based booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO) which enhances our communication with families. Using this system you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet-connected computer.


Please access the system as follows:

  • Login to MazCom
  • From the front tiles menu, select Parent Teacher Interviews. Enter your username and password/PIN which has been emailed in most cases, to the fathers' email address.
  • We suggest you leave a free timeslot between your interviews to allow for transition between Google Meets.
  • You are welcome to book interviews with different staff in different sessions or even on different days as suits your needs.
  • The sessions in the morning and afternoon are usually less crowded – please book then if you can.
  • You can also access PTO via the “Recent News” section on the College website Home Page



Mr Tony Coghlan
