From the Rector

Reflection: Jesus is taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of his Mother.



Our second last reflection for our Lenten Season focuses on Jesus being taken down from the Cross after his death. The reason for this reflection is to remember the role Mary had in the life of Jesus as his Mother. The above image, which some of you may have visited, is the Pieta, the famous sculpture by Michelangelo in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. It depicts Mary, Jesus’ mother, cradling the lifeless body of Jesus in her arms. It is a lonely picture, the crowds have gone, the noise of the jeering crowds has ceased, and Mary is now alone with her Son. A deep sorrow would have touched Mary’s heart, that the life of her Son had ended so cruelly, yet, she would have also felt a deep joy that Jesus’ life would also bring life to all of us.


We all experience loss in one way or another. Our friends move away, our children grow up and leave home and our loved ones pass into eternal life. Like Mary, it takes strength and courage to accept these events in our lives. As Christians we also share the deep joy of Mary that the passing of loved ones is not the end as we believe our loved ones have reached their final destination, the eternal reward promised to all good and faithful servants. We pray that our God will grant eternal peace and joy to all our departed loved ones.


Wow! Today marks the conclusion of our two-week program of reconciliations for our students in preparation for the great Feast of Easter. I thank Fathers Kevin and Giancarlo and especially, the visiting local priests and Oblates who have given so generously of their time to ensure that over one thousand young men could experience the peace and love that God offers to them through this Sacrament. The new format of the Second Rite received favourable responses from staff, students and visiting priests. I would encourage all families to take the opportunity to celebrate this Sacrament in your own parish in preparation for Easter.


On Wednesday evening our Oblate community also assisted with the First Reconciliations of the children at Good Shepherd Parish Primary School, Brandon Park.


Our young men and teachers are enthusiastically preparing for our Mission Action Day next Thursday. We have already held several events with money being raised. I ask for your continued support for this traditional fundraiser that assists our Oblate Missionaries in their missions particularly in our Asia Oceania Region. The money raised enables our brothers and sisters to have access to freshwater, education, health care, and the necessities of life that we can tend to take for granted. Thank you in anticipation of a great day!


Have a smile!

                                                           Turns out it was a marble in the ashtray…





Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate

Fr Harry Dyer OMI
