Health Centre

Dear Parents,


Over the past weeks, we have had to call numerous parents to pick up their child from school as they have had a cough, fever or a sore throat. While we acknowledge that in the majority of cases these can be minor symptoms and may be nothing more than a case of the sniffles our medical staff from the Health Centre are following the directives from the Schools Operations Guide. The guide states:


“Staff and students experiencing symptoms compatible with COVID-19, such as fever, cough or sore throat, should be isolated in an appropriate space with suitable supervision and students should be collected by a parent/carer as soon as possible. Urgent medical attention should be sought where indicated. It is not suitable for an unwell student to travel home unsupervised.”


Thanks for your continued support in these matters and please know that we, at Mazenod, always have the students’ best interest and safety at heart.