Learning together

Cecil Hills High School Driving Training Program
This term, we are very excited to begin our Cecil Hills High School Driver Training Program for Year 11 students and their families in conjunction with the Federal Government's Keys2Drive program. The Keys2Drive program is a national road safety initiative. It provides extra incentive for learner drivers to get more on-the-road experience as well as assists those supervising them to become better informed and more confident. Specifically, the Cecil Hills High School Driver Training Program aims to provide the learner driver professional driving lessons from a qualified instructor (Proactive Driving Pty Ltd) and to support parents/guardians with instructional material and practical guidance on how to provide effective supervision and training to a learner driver. The program is a practical way of equipping young people with the skills they need for a lifetime of safer driving.
We are very fortunate to have Mr Bellavia coordinating this program with the support of Mounties, who have provided a significant grant to run this program. This grant allows us to offer up to five driving lessons, free of charge, to approximately 40 students in Year 11 and their families. This is such an important investment in helping our students to be safe and confident road users. Thank you to Mr Bellavia and Mounties.
Online safety
Recently, there have been a number of issues where students have found themselves in difficult situations due to their use of social media. As a school, we regularly address these issues in teaching programs and through guest speakers, such as our recent talks by the Police Liaison Officer. However, we cannot stress enough how important it is that parents are aware of what their children are doing with their devices and what apps or programs they are using to interact with others. Often, these issues occur late at night when students have devices in their rooms or when they are out with friends, so it is important that parents set rules and boundaries around social media use so that everyone can interact in a fun, safe environment.
The Australian Government eSafety Commissioner link below provides information for parents and carers regarding many online issues and strategies to manage these concerns:
Michael Lane
Deputy Principal - Year 8 and Year 11