Setting high standards

Attendance update
Whole School Attendance so far in 2021: 91. 92%
Whole School Attendance Term 2, Week 1: 93.58%
Year group attendance 2021 | Year group attendance this week |
Year 7 = 94.24% | Year 7 = 95.81% |
Year 8 = 93.2% | Year 8 = 95.58% |
Year 9 = 92.19% | Year 9 = 94.38% |
Year 10 = 88.71% | Year 10 = 93.36% |
Year 11 = 91.29% | Year 11 = 91.04% |
Year 12 = 91.79% | Year 12 = 92.76% |
Attendance at Cecil Hills High School is doing extremely well and has improved dramatically over the last year. Please ensure that your children are attending school every day and on time. Over the next term lateness to school will be closely monitored and will be communicating with parents and carers in relation to this.
Joel Howard
Deputy Principal - Year 10