Sydenham Campus Principal Message 

Sydenham Campus Principal’s Report

What a wonderful start to Term 1! Lots of events have taken place this term and students and staff have worked well together to set a positive tone on Campus. 

Swimming Sports

Despite the less than perfect weather, the College Swimming Sports were once again hard fought by all three campuses. Congratulations to H Team who won many events on the day and were crowned the 2021 Champions. 

Iron Form Day

We also concluded our Year 7 Transition program with a wonderful Iron Form Day earlier in the Term. All Year 7 Home Group Teachers worked with their students to prepare a motto, mascot, banner and song. Thanks also to Ms Causer and Mr White who were inspiring Team Leaders and Mr Atherton a very objective Campus Leader during the day. Congratulations to Ms Jones for leading the students of 7H3 to a win on the day.

ABCN Program Year 9

Twenty Year 9 students participated in the first ABCN program of the year- My Digital Career. Thank you to Jenny Zahra (Pathways) who organised the students and helped facilitate the session with Katie and Catherine from ABCN. Student feedback was very positive. 

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

Last Friday we participated in a National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (NDA). The theme for the NDA 2021 is Take Action Together. Year 8 students participated in Sexuality & Gender Diversity Workshops with Minus 18. Statistics show that young people that identify as being within the LGBTIQ+ community are far more likely to experience verbal and physical bullying than their heterosexual and cisgender peers, and that such bullying often happens at school. The workshops focused on how students can be respectful, inclusive, and supportive of diverse peers. This was followed by a student-run stall & giveaways at recess. 


The term has seen many subject and whole-cohort excursions which have encouraged students to learn about the environment, their local and wider communities and the diversity within them, and which provided opportunities that students would not have otherwise received. This is in large part due to the dedication of staff who work hard to ‘make this happen’. 

Meet and Greet

We finally had our Campus Meet and Greet Evening on Tuesday 2 March. This year it was aimed at Year 7 and ‘New’ Families to Sydenham. It was well attended and provided an excellent opportunity for our families to met Campus Leaders, Team Leaders and Home-Group Teachers in a relaxed atmosphere. We also had music students perform on the evening with examples of student work on display, also.


NAPLAN this year is planned to occur on site and in order to test our system capacity there was a national coordinated practice test (CPT) on Thursday March 25. Year 7 and Year 9 students participated in the CPT. 

Discovery Evening

Discovery Evening was also on Thursday March 25 from 4 pm on campus. This is a great opportunity for prospective students and their families to see and hear what Copperfield College can offer from Year 7-12.

Parent Teacher Student Interviews

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews were held in the final week of this term. The opportunity for families to discuss student progress with teachers is an important part of our College calendar and we are encourage to see a large number of  students attending with their families.

Ms Mary Chiodo and Mr Michael Gruis

Campus Principals