In the classroom... 

With Mr. Auld 

In Year 11 Chemistry we have been looking at understanding the concept of covalent compounds and understanding the type of bonding between molecules. Once students understand how atoms are bonded together they have built molecules and indicated what kind of bond is present in a compound. 


The Year 11s have also demonstrated the ability to understand intermolecular and intramolecular forces present in compounds by making Slime in class. This demonstrates the understanding of what happens to the type of bonding when the slime sample stretches and is struck with some force. 


Lastly, in the Year 7E Maths class, we have been looking at measurement, most specifically in Perimeter and Circumference. Students were shown the formula for Circumference which is perimeter of circles as shown by the formula Circumference = π × diameter = 2π × radius

Students were asked to draw a circle with chalk and a piece of string. The Year 7s measured the circumference with an ikea ruler and measured the radius or diameter with a 1m ruler. Students investigated the ratio between circumference and diameter. If the answer came close to the value of Pi (=3.14), then students had drawn a perfect circle.