From the Principal and Assistant Principal 

Mothers Day Morning

There was a great vibe at the gathering yesterday. We hope all BPS mums that came along enjoyed the beautiful morning sunshine, a coffee , a light brekky and a catch up with other mums.

Thank you to Lisa for organising the coffee van. It was certainly well received. 

Thank you to all staff who helped with preparations prior to the day and on the day.

A huge thank you also to our fantastic Junior School Councilors for their help and support. They were indeed wonderful hosts and made everyone feel welcome and a little pampered.  

BPS Cross Country

The rain stayed away on Tuesday enabling our Year 4,5 and 6 students to participate in the annual BPS Cross Country at Dendy Park.  The students were amazing. The  range of abilities did not deter enthusiasm, with our keen runners speeding through the course as well as those students who were determined to finish the course through sheer persistence and great resilience. Well done to all.

Thanks you to Joe Lilburne for organising the event and thank you to the teachers and parent volunteers who offered words of encouragement along the away. We couldn't do it without you.

Education Week: Building Connections

The theme for Education Week, from 23-29 May, is "Building Connections". The theme celebrates the connections between schools and local communities and strengthens bonds with families and carers. Education Week is an opportunity for all primary and secondary schools, higher education and early childhood services to showcase how they are building connections with the community around them. 

Education Week events, including a Dress Up Day, can be found in School News.


Grandparents and Special Friends Day postponed to a day in Children's Week in October

It has been a long held tradition at BPS to launch Education Week with Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Families will know this day draws a huge crowd and visitors spend time in the classrooms.

We are unable to follow this familiar routine at this stage for two important reasons. 

Density limits in schools, and in classrooms in particular, continue to apply.

Inviting large numbers of the most vulnerable members of our community, usually accompanied by a BPS parent as well, to the school at this time may compromise our efforts to exercise an abundance of caution to safeguard the health of our students, staff, parents and extended family members. 

We care about the health of our BPS families and their extended family.


However it is not the Beaumaris Way to give up.

So were are going to postpone, not cancel, this treasured day to a later time in the year in Children's Week in October (date TBC) when we anticipate community vaccination programs will be in hand and density limits in schools will hopefully be more manageable.


Inquiry Learning @ BPS 

At BPS we encourage our students to engage with and explore their world around them through inquiry. Students develop their ability to ask questions, design and investigate lines of inquiry, interpret evidence, form explanations and arguments, communicate findings and develop actions. Mrs Keli David, our Learning Specialist for Inquiry  and Multidisciplinary learning has prepared the information below for parents. The information explains the approach P-6 and extends an invitation to interested parents with expertise in the current areas of focus listed below to support Inquiry in the classroom.


Happy, active, healthy kids

As mentioned in previous newsletters, Happy, active healthy kids is one of three statewide priorities in schools across Victoria.

Last week we highlighted the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity to maintain overall health and wellbeing.

BPS has a longstanding relationship with The Resilience Project. To sustain and strengthen their mental health and wellbeing our students explore and practise the concepts of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.

 The Resilience Project has added regularly practising kindness to promote wellbeing.


A Daily Dose of Kindness: This amazing video follows acts of kindness throughout a single day –Kindness Boomerang-"One Day" .      

Consider watching the video as a family.

A random act of kindness each and every day can be as simple as:

  • Offering to help someone
  • Complimenting someone genuinely
  • Holding the door open for someone
  • A friendly smile
  • Simple words of thanks

Kindness makes you happy and happiness makes you kind.

To learn more about the rewards from practicing kindness CLICK HERE 

NAPLAN next week for students in Year 3 and 5

Students in Years 3 & 5 will participate in The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests next week on 11th, 12th and13th May.

The assessments are administered following a strict statewide schedule. 

It is essential that students are at school on time on these days to ensure they commence the assessment on time and do not interrupt the concentration of their peers by arriving late to class.

Quote of the Week: Kindness 

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate. Albert Schweitzer


What are three things that went well for you today?

What are the best things that happened to you today?

Who are you most grateful for and why?

What are you looking forward to most about tomorrow?


Sheryl Skewes                                       Ellen Wilson

Principal                                                  Assistant Principal