Welcome to Murputja Staff Bulletin Number 2

Thank You

Thank you to everyone for the work engaging in the daily debrief process which has commenced this term. Our 'end of day debrief' is an important opportunity to discuss the day's events and to address the challenges of the day and ensure that we are supporting the learning and wellbeing needs of individual students. These brief daily discussions, whilst largely informal, enable us to work collegiately as a team to address issues as they arise as a means of also protecting our wellbeing. 

Start of Term 2

The term has commenced and it is pleasing to see that we have had an increase in student numbers for week one. 

Sadly there has been a death over the weekend within the Nyapari community. This is likely to have a significant impact on student numbers here at Murputja Annangu School for a number of weeks, possibly for the remainder of the term. This only highlights the importance of being thoroughly planned for your teaching programme and ensuring that you are prepared with learning activities aimed at engaging the full range of student needs within your class. I ask that each of you consider your programme carefully  and ensure that you are thoroughly planned. 

As student numbers are potentially set to increase significantly, I have been in communication with key leaders across the partnership to seek additional personnel, if/when needed. The fact is that we can expect a significant spike in numbers so please be prepared. I know that we will work brilliantly as a team... so thanks in advance for your support and teamwork.

NAPLAN Testing Week 3

During this busy time, we also have NAPLAN testing scheduled to occur during week 3. During staff meeting this week we will discuss what NAPLAN Testing will look like and ensure that we are prepared with the testing schedule etc.  

Governing Council Meeting - Wednesday Week 2

Governing Council is scheduled for this Wednesday afternoon, May 5th. Please find attached a draft agenda for the meeting. 

The Importance of Clear Routines in promoting increased responsibility and independence

As mentioned in last week's bulletin, many discussions throughout the term will focus strongly on the importance of daily classroom (and whole school) routines. I ask that each of you to invest a significant amount of time considering and developing classroom routines. I ask each of you to consider the two questions outlined below. These will then be discussed at a later staff meeting. During my classroom visits this term I hope to see clear classroom routines established (with student involvement as much as possible). These routines should be published with clear photos/visuals outlining each step in the routine. 


During staff meetings and PDP conversations I will be asking each of you to consider two important questions:

  1. ‘What routines do we currently use which enable our students to demonstrate increased responsibility and independence?’
  2. How could we improve the use of routines both in class and across the whole school, to support our students to demonstrate increased responsibility and independence?’

A simple starting point we will consider is the morning breakfast routine, which presents an opportunity for us to develop, with students, a clear routine where students are given greater responsibility for independently managing this routine. 


During this week's staff meeting we will finalise a whole-school morning routine for arrival, breakfast and start of lessons. Importantly routines are about students being provided the opportunity to demonstrate responsibility and independence.  


Classroom Storage/Organisation

 I am pleased to say that approval has been given for built in cupboards to be installed in each of the three classroom spaces throughout the school. Obviously, this is a significant financial outlay which indicates the level of importance placed on classroom organisation. I encourage everyone to consider their learning space and consider the following question…

  1. How does the accessibility of resources support our students to demonstrate increased responsibility and independence as learners?’

Recruitment Process

Teachers are reminded that Stage 1 of the 2022 recruitment process is now open with teachers invited to apply for secondary teaching positions, ahead of vacancies being advertised in week 2. 


This includes positions arising from the year 7 to high school move and positions in our new DfE schools.


Applying for secondary teaching positions involves 2–stages:

  • stage 1: build your profile on the dedicated recruitment portal , which is now open
  • stage 2: apply on Edujobs  when secondary vacancies are advertised on 6 May.

Use this checklist to ensure you complete every component of your application.


It is important that teachers start early and build their profile now on the dedicated recruitment portal.


If you are interested in these positions please visit the teacher recruitment for 2022 page on the DfE website to learn about the 2-stage process.


Staff with further questions regarding the process are invited to contact: Workforce Management, phone 8226 1356 or visit the 

Performance & Development Plan Conversations

Education Department policy requires that Performance and Development Plans are reviewed with staff at least every 6 months. It is also recommended that new PDP plans are established with school based employees by week 5, term 2.


These regular conversations are important to align people's goals to their site improvement plan, celebrate achievements, plan development and check-in on staff wellbeing. 


I will be asking staff to meet with me during week 4 for our initial PDP conversation. In the meantime, I ask that staff consider the attached PDP proforma and familiarise themselves with both the format and the PDP process. 

Please remember that as a staff we will be reviewing the current Site Improvement Plan, with changes expected to be made in the coming weeks. Obviously, PDP plans are expected to be closely aligned to the Site Improvement Plan priorities, so Please hold-off on documenting your PDP plan until the Site Improvement Plan priorities and Challenge of Practice become clearer and are updated. If you have any questions regarding PDP process please feel free to speak with me.


The I WORK FOR SA – Your Voice Survey 

The I WORK FOR SA – Your Voice Survey is an opportunity for public sector employees to have their say about working in the South Australian Government.


All public sector employees are encouraged to complete the survey at work. It takes just 15 minutes and can be completed on any device. Rest assured your privacy is our highest priority and responses will remain anonymous, so we encourage you to be honest in the survey.

The survey provides an  opportunity for site base staff to shape whole of department and public sector workforce initiatives.


In the 2018 I WORK FOR SA – Your Voice survey, you told us that our department needed to do better in 2 key areas:

  • supporting employee health and wellbeing
  • providing recognition to celebrate employees.

As a result the department launched new initiatives, including:

  • the myWellbeing program – providing practical tools and resources to support and prioritise employee wellbeing
  • ThankED – enabling staff, students and the local community to send a thank you note to celebrate employees.

It’s time to check in again. The 2021 survey is now open and will close on 28 May. To complete the survey please click here.