Principal's message

Principal’s Message
Students and their families should be aware that I am taking personal leave for the next 3 months, effective from Monday 10th May. For the next 1-2 weeks, Justin Hird will fulfil the role of Acting Principal and the Assistant Principal role will be backfilled by David Watson. According to DET regulations, due of the extended period of my leave, the Acting Principal role will be advertised externally. The outcome of this position will be shared with all staff, students and families once the decision is finalised.
Paul Frye
Families of students in Year 7 and 9 are reminded of the upcoming NAPLAN testing, which will occur from Tuesday 11th until Friday 21st May. Please see below for the testing schedule. If students are absent for any of their tests, a catch-up day has been scheduled for the final day of testing. Parents who were seeking exemptions for their child / children to not participate, should have already contacted the College and will have to sign an individualised exemption form.
Week 1
Week 2
Due to some recent feedback from parents we are currently reviewing our attendance procedures at CSC, to ensure parents are reliably informed of their child / children’s attendance. From Monday 10th May we will be sending out two text messages per day;
- End of period 1 – unexplained absences for period 1
- End of period 6 – unexplained absence for periods 1-6
Families will receive a message if their child / children have any unexplained absences for these specified classes. The message will indicate how to follow-up for absences that can be explained. If you believe your child has been truant, please contact your child’s mentor teacher. Students truanting from class will be expected to make up the missed class time, which will occur either at lunchtime or after school.
To improve our monitoring of student attendance we also encourage families to take a proactive role in monitoring their child’s attendance by downloading the XUNO Family Application to their mobile phone. This requires the same login details for the web based version of XUNO.
Over the next term we will continue to make refinements to our attendance process, therefore if you have feedback on how our processes can improve, please email me at .
VHAP (Victorian High-Ability Program)
Some families of students in Year 7 and 8 may already have awareness of the Victorian High-Ability Program, which is designed to extend students who have demonstrated excellence in Mathematics or English. The program runs for 10 weeks and is delivered online by Virtual School Victoria.
Families should be aware that selection in the program is conducted by the Department of Education and Training using a selection algorithm, based on student achievement data to assess student ability. A combination of high NAPLAN scores and being one or more years ahead of their peers, based on teacher judgement data, indicates high ability.
There will be another intake for Year 7 students of the VHAP for term 3 this year, with student names being released to schools in week 4-5 of this term. If your child is not included in this next intake and you believe they should be included in the program, based on achievement data, then please send me an email at and we can investigate their suitability.
Justin Hird
Assistant Principal
Open Day 2021
On Wednesday we opened our doors to families to come to observe our school in action. Families had a first hand look at classes in progress with our student guides taking tours around the campus.