
Careers News

Events coming up


2nd - 31st: Health Courses Information Sessions, Deakin University,

2nd, 5th: Experience Day, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne (2), Ballarat (5),

2nd, 4th: DeakInspire, Deakin University, Geelong Waurn Ponds (2), Burwood (4),

3rd, 5th: Experience Clever, La Trobe University, Bendigo (3), Melbourne (5),

4th – 5th: MAJOR HACK 2019, The University of Melbourne, current Year 11 & 12 students,   Parkville,

6th – 13th: Victorian Indigenous Engineering Winter School,  

9th – 13th: Experience Monash Indigenous Winter Camp,

11th: Inside Monash Seminars, Monash University, Science careers & industry engagement,

16th-18th: Vic Uni, VU2U Roadshow, Wanganui Park SC, various activities for Years 10-12

23rd – 31st: Health Science Courses – Information Sessions, Deakin University,

30th: Year 10 Subject selection information meetings (per. 3 or per. 4). All Year 10’s in the Theatrette

30th: Beacon Foundation’s ‘Perform’ program – ALL  Year 12 VCAL students (all day in the SLC)

30th: Year 10 Parent information night, course selection for 2020. Parents of Wanganui Park SC, Shepparton HS and those interested from Mooroopna SC. from 6:30 – 7:30pm in the Senior Learning Centre, school tours available from 5:45 for new families.

30th: Meet Melbourne Uni, Shepparton (30),

31st: Year 12 Parent information night, VTAC course selection for 2020. 7:30 in the SLC

Note: these are Shepparton events


What is Career Development?

Career Development is the complex process of managing life, learning and work over your whole life.

In the past – Career development in the past was often simply about getting a job. A person left school, gained a job and maybe worked their way up in their organisation. Most people held the same job their whole life.

In the present – Today Career Development is seen as managing all aspects of life. A person will have many different jobs throughout their lifetime; some will be full time, some casual or part-time and some will be paid and other work unpaid.

In the future – Who knows? Developing skills that allow you to adapt to the constantly changing world will help. Being open to opportunities and new ways of working is an important tactic. Consider the ‘High Five Messages of Career Development’ which have been developed to identify skills that you will need to manage your future

  1. Change is constant – embrace it. The world is constantly changing, be open to change and remain alert to new opportunities
  2. Learning is ongoing – Strive for continuous improvement. Stay motivated by learning new skills and developing new talents.
  3. Focus on the journey – Don’t focus on one destination only. Recognise that your career journey will be throughout your lifetime. Appreciate and value each experience along the way.
  4. Know yourself, believe in yourself and follow your heart – Pursue your passion to find fulfillment. Discover ways to combine your interests with career opportunities
  5. Assess your allies – Rely on the support of your family, friends, mentors, colleagues and peers. Career success can be a team effort


2020 Course Selection For Year 10’s

Before we all know it’ll be time for Year 10’s to start counselling and choosing courses for their senior years. So it’s important to note the following details which you can place onto your family calendar (or into your diary).

  • Tuesday 30th July (periods 3 & 4):  Year 10 meetings to explain VCE/VCAL/VET and how subject counselling will be organised
  • Tuesday 30th July (6:30-7:30): Parent information night to explain VCE/VCAL/VET and important things for students  to consider when selecting courses. The TEC (GOTAFE) will be present to meet with you and explain VETis options.
  • From Wednesday 31st July: Year 10 students will commence course counselling with either their allocated counsellor OR in the case of those doing Career and Job Investigations in 2nd semester they will be counselled within those classes
  • Thursday 22nd August (10:00 – 12:45, 3:00 – 6:15) Course selection day for Year10’s. Parents to phone and book in an appointment time to bring their student along. Please note: this is a student free day for Year 10’s only!

For further details contac