Mr. Carlyle's Message

Parent Check-In Week

Last week was check-in week with families. Teachers prioritised facilitating 3-way conversations with the families of their students to discuss how students are settling into the year at school academically and socially, as well as provide the chance for families to share any insight from what their children are sharing about their learning at home. Schools approach these in many different ways. Some use the first week of school to convene these types of chats and some wait until the middle of the year. We preference getting in touch after students have had a period of time at school to settle so we can work in partnership to support our students with any issues that are starting to surface so that we can attempt to get on top of them quickly. 


School Athletics

The date for the athletics day has had to be shifted, and we are hopeful that by notifying families of the change now with 5 weeks in hand, it will give adequate notice.  The new date for the Athletics day is Friday the 8th of April, the last day of Term 1. 


Pupil Free Curriculum Day

A reminder to all parents that this Friday the 4th of March is a pupil-free day.  This is a curriculum day where staff are receiving training in mathematics concepts and delivery methods.