God our Father, hear our prayers for a truly fruitful Lent. May our efforts in prayer and our deeds of mercy lead us to renewal, reconciliation and Easter Joy. 

Through Christ our Lord.


We pray ...

We pray for ...... our school community as we continue to pray, give and reflect on our words and actions through the season of Lent, for those experiencing loss and devastation as a result of flooding and for peace in war torn countries. 


Next Wednesday 16th March some of our Year 5 students will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation in the Auditorium. Year 1 will also received a visit from either Fr Paul or Fr Chris.



Our first family Mass for the year was held last Sunday and it was a wonderful gathering of school and Parish. It was great to see so many of our new families being part of this gathering. A special thanks to Fr Ross O'Brien for celebrating the Mass. 


Celebrating Mass each Sunday is an essential part of our faith and enables us to form a community based on faith, hope and love, where the love of God and love of neighbour is fostered. Making this a regular part of family routine each week is one way families can nurture a strong and enduring faith that we may be able to turn to throughout 


Stations of the Cross

Tomorrow Friday 11th March St Nicholas School staff will lead the Stations of the Cross at St Nicholas Church. This act of faith will begin at 5.30pm and run for approximately 30 minutes. Students and their families are more than welcome to join us for prayer and reflection.


Our annual ‘Green Day’ will be held on Friday 18th March. This will be a day where children wear ‘green mufti clothes’ and bring along a gold coin donation which will be put towards our fundraising efforts for CARITAS Australia. Parents and friends are welcome to attend.


First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (Year 3 students)

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation and program will begin early in Term 2 for our students and parents in Year 3. This will include a Parent Information and Enrolment Session at St Nicholas Church on Wednesday 30th March at 5.30pm or a repeat session on Saturday 2nd April at 2pm. At least one parent is required to attend one of these sessions. Notes have been sent home. Please make contact with Mrs Dunst if your child did not receive a note.  A reminder to parents that the completed forms do not come back to school but need to be completed and handed in at the scheduled Parent Information and Enrolment Session at the Church.


For new students who are baptised Catholic, are in Years 3 -6 and are beginning at St Nicholas School in 2022, if there is a Sacrament that they have missed receiving please contact Mrs Dunst as soon as possible (rdunst@arm.catholic.edu.au).


This year the School Age Baptisms (children from Kindergarten: 5yrs old – Year 6: 11yrs old) will be held on Saturday 26th March at 10.00am at St Nicholas Church. There is a baptism preparation session which parents (without exception) will need to attend on Thursday 24th March at 5pm. Please make contact with St Nicholas Presbytery to express your interest in having your child/ren baptised. (Presbytery phone number 67662228). 


All men of our school community, regardless of religious denomination are invited to attend the ARMIDALE DIOCESAN MENS' GATHERING (ADMG) to be held at McCarthy Catholic College, Tamworth,  on Saturday morning, 19th March, starting over breakfast at 7.30am and finishing at lunchtime.


The principal speaker, Tim Davis, is a father of primary school children and pre-schoolers.


There will be an open forum with plenty of time for you to raise things that are important to you – perhaps mental health issues in children and families – perhaps how hard it is to be a man of faith today – perhaps helping children and teenagers navigate the online world in a safe way.


Saturday morning can be a busy time for kids and families with sporting commitments etc. If you need to leave early that is OK.


You can register here.


It can be hard being a father today. Those who have heard Tim or who have attended similar gatherings throughout Australia  endorse the experience. 


Yourself, your family and our school community may benefit from your attendance.