Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning 

Student Parent Mentor Interviews

This week we are hosting Student Parent Mentor Interviews online. Our connection with parents is an integral part of the way we support the learning and wellbeing journey of each student. 

Our online meetings allow you to access the interviews from where you are – at work or home.

You can prepare for the interview process by encouraging your son or daughter to attend the interview. Discuss the interview process with them prior to logging on and make note of any issues or questions you would like to address.

The mentor is your child’s advocate and support. They are involved in regular meetings with your child in mentor and House time. They routinely track your child’s attendance and work ethic, and the Student Record Book is used as a key communication tool.

The Term One Mentor Interview is an opportunity for you to reflect on progress made to date, how your child has transitioned into the learning program at College and address any issues that have emerged in the first weeks of school. We hope these conversations will provide space to celebrate your child’s achievements and participation in the broader life of the College.


Independent Study Day

A reminder that next week, on Tuesday 8 March 2022, we have an Independent Study Day. Students will learn from home. Staff will be onsite to support any child that requires supervision. Please let Mrs Wendy Henderson know if you will be at school on 8 March.


International Women’s Day 2022 #BreakTheBias

Next week is also International Women’s Day. The theme for 2022 is #BreakTheBias. The focus is on encouraging workplaces to forge change for women, to help them to be represented in all industries, to give women greater choices in health and education and to increase the visibility of women creatives. If you would like to promote the theme this year download a selfie card and take a picture of yourself and post it to your favourited platform.

International Women's Day #BreakTheBias selfie cards (


At The Hamilton and Alexandra College we want to build a learning environment where all young people thrive. We look forward to working with you to forge a positive and inclusive learning culture.


Susan Bradbeer

Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning

Tech Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

Welcome to the second post on technology. Given the many changes that are being made to the online platforms that became crucial during COVID lockdowns, I thought it beneficial to know where to find explanations and “help” videos to assist with something that is suddenly different to the last time you used it. For me, such a moment occurred this week when I created a how-to video using PowerPoint and the process for conversion had changed!


Here are my top “go to” people beyond our amazing IT staff at College:

Nathan Richards offers a range of helpful tips including ClassOneNote and Minecraft education edition. Click here for his website. He has text, videos, and podcasts to support the relevant software we use. His Podcasts are made with another Australian Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE), Andrew Battese.

For issues of concern around cyber safety, Trent Ray, a Victorian MIEE, has established a company offering guidance to schools and families. To see his blog, click here.

Mike Tholfsen, is a key product Manager on the MicrosoftEDU team, OneNote, Class Notebooks, Immersive Reader, Reading Progress, and MicrosoftTeams. He has a Youtube channel dedicated to showing new features and offering tips for use.

Click here to see new features in Teams, OneNote, PowerPoint etc. Be warned – he talks very quickly and with great enthusiasm! You may need to his pause and rewind a few times! 

In the meantime, please feel that you can email me to ask for information or explanation.

Best wishes to all for the month of March!


Margaret Simkin