Principal's News

This week as Acting Principal at St Joseph's I have been privileged to meet and work with your beautiful children. I can truly say that your children are welcoming, friendly, eager to learn, laugh and play, and are a caring and compassionate community. If I can help in any way during my time here please do not hesitate to contact me.
On Thursday 10th March Mr Joe Dimech along with his sister Salina celebrated the life of their father with his funeral Mass at St Patrick's Church. We hold Joe, Salina and their family and friends in our prayers at this sad time. We sincerely thank all those who contributed to the catering of the wake. Joe was certainly touched by the generosity of so many.
Swimming Program
Our Swimming Program continues this week, with all the children making great improvement in their skills and confidence. For this week we will need to change swimming to Wednesday afternoon as Mrs Brooks will be participating in a 2 day literacy course with Mrs Ruth Anderson. The children can wear their sports uniforms on swimming days as well as on Fridays.
Oliver Twist
The North West Theatre Company have invited us to watch the production 'Oliver Twist' at the Roxy Theatre in Bingara on Wednesday March 23rd. We will take the Yr 3-6 children to watch the production. More information will be sent home later in the week.
The Resilience Project - 2022
Information about how to access the Parent and Carer Hub will be shared soon. In the meantime, feel free to learn more about The Resilience Project by exploring the ideas, activities and resources which bring Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM) to life on
Wishing you all the best for the fortnight ahead.
Frances Reynolds
Acting Principal