Updated COVID Advice 


Catholic Schools NSW

       Catholic Schools Office Diocese of Armidale

            Unit 2, 131 Barney Street P.O. Box 636 Armidale NSW 2350

           Ph: (02) 6772 7388 Fax: (02) 6772 9285 email: cso@arm.catholic.edu.au               www.arm.catholic.edu.au ABN: 90702916776


Dear parents and caregivers,


A big thank you for your continued efforts in supporting our schools and students during the pandemic, and especially for consistently prioritising safety and learning.

The Premier and Minister for Education recently announced changes to school settings for the remainder of Term 1. These amendments were developed in close consultation with NSW Health and other key stakeholders to ensure that we continue to keep our schools open and operational for learning, while keeping in sync with the changing context of the pandemic. 

Provision of RAT kits

The use of RAT kits is an important step to support the health and wellbeing of our students and staff. They are a quick and easy screening tool to help detect COVID-19.


Distribution of RAT kits to our students and staff

  • From Monday 28 February, we will move to symptomatic testing. This means that allocated tests are to be used at the discretion of staff members and parents in the event that they or their child/ren are symptomatic, or if there are cases in your school. The school will provide every student and staff member with 8 tests each.  
  • After the allocated individual supply is used,  should they wish to undertake a Covid test, students and staff can access PCR tests or buy their own rapid antigen tests.
  • A reminder  that your child/ren may receive either nasal swab or saliva RAT kits, or a combination of both. The kits include instructions for using the tests, and instructions are also available for download from the NSW Health website. Please check the test results carefully and dispose of the tests as indicated on the information sheet contained in the kit. The test’s user guide also contains a contact number for the suppliers if you need additional support.
  • To give more accurate results, people using saliva testing kits must not eat or drink for 30 minutes before taking the saliva RAT.


RAT kit results

If a student or staff member receives a positive RAT test, they need to:

  1. record the positive RAT result through the Service NSW website or Service NSW app
  2. notify the school of the positive RAT (or PCR) test result as soon as possible
  3. follow NSW Health advice to isolate for 7 days.

 Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.

Unwell at school

Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 must be asked to go home and stay there until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.

  • If a student or staff member displays even mild COVID-19 symptoms, they must take a RAT or get a PCR test and isolate until they receive a negative test result.
  • Students must not come to school until they are symptom free, even if they get a negative RAT result.

Under no circumstances will any staff member request that your child take a rapid antigen test (RAT) at school. 

What happens when a teacher or student tests positive to COVID-19?

Under the new close contact rules, schools are no longer included in contact tracing. Parents will be notified of any cases of COVID in the school, and families will be advised of the current public health advice, including monitoring for symptoms.

Use of surgical masks

From Monday 7 March 2022, masks will no longer be mandatory for staff. However, those who wish to continue to use them will be supported to do so.

Vaccination requirements

All staff on school sites are required to be fully vaccinated. At the moment, staff can work at a school even if they haven’t had a booster shot. However, I am advised that this will soon change. 


When staff are required to have a booster shot to be at work, the CSO will ensure that all staff comply with this requirement.


The Catholic Schools Office Armidale strongly encourages vaccination for all students and staff.  However, vaccination is the choice of the parent/carer.  I assure you that under no circumstance will CSO Armidale schools be vaccinating any student. 

Visitors on school sites

From Monday 28 Februaryvisitors are allowed back on school sites. All visitors are asked to follow the school’s usual sign-in and sign-out process. 

Other key measures

  •  Our schools will continue to ensure that our core COVID-smart layers are in place, including vaccinations; maximising natural ventilation in learning spaces; continued good hand hygiene practices; and enhanced cleaning.
  • Schools will consider activities such as assemblies, parent-teacher meetings and other gatherings to determine if these can proceed in a COVID-safe manner.  Parents/carers will be advised of the arrangements for these activities.
  • From 28 February, students will no longer be required to be kept in year groups or other cohorts. This will also apply to staff. 
  • Principals are required to continue to use the core, layered COVID-smart measures to minimise risk when planning activities and events.


Extra cleaning of high-touch and high traffic areas will continue in Term 1. 

Further information

I know that you understand how busy schools are at this time of year ensuring that your child/ren have the best possible start to their learning for 2022. 


If you would like more information or to ask just a question about any of this information, please do not contact the school directly; instead please email covid@arm.catholic.edu.au


If you wish to make a complaint regarding the school’s application of these guidelines, please do not contact the school directly; instead please email complaints@arm.catholic.edu.au.

Thank you again for your continued support during this school term.



Chris Smyth

Director of Schools