



Next Wednesday the students will participate in the Ash Wednesday liturgy to receive the ashes on their foreheads. The ashes used are from the branches used in last year’s Palm Sunday ceremonies. These branches are burnt and the ashes stored.

The ashes remind us that we belong to God and are preparing for Jesus’ death and resurrection. During Lent we pray for and help our brothers and sisters throughout the world who, because of poverty and injustice, do not have the opportunities we have.

By giving generously through prayer, going without and showing kindness to others during Lent, we are working towards a fairer world for all.


 Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, where for forty days, we are asked to follow Jesus on his journey to Calvary. Despite his suffering, Jesus shows mercy and forgiveness to those who had sentenced him to his death. This powerful moment shows us the importance of both asking for forgiveness of God and showing forgiveness to others within our own lives. 


During Lent, we ask God to forgive us for the sins we have made. Fasting, prayer and giving to others are very important during Lent and Jesus tells us that we should not do them to show off or gloat about it to others. Instead, when we take the time to pray, fast and give to others, we should do it because we know we are doing the right thing for others and by God. These blessed ashes are a reminder to us of the Lenten promises we will make in our own lives, and to encourage us to give ourselves to others, just as Jesus did for us. What will you do or give up this Lent? This important time in the Church’s calendar asks us to reflect on the needs of our brothers and sisters, and to be thankful to God for all the things we are lucky to have in our lives. We are reminded of those who do not have access to basic needs such as water, shelter, medicine and education, and we should think about the ways that we can act in service to them. As we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus during Easter, let us ‘Aspire not to have more, but to BE more’


Our challenge to ‘Be More’ takes us beyond ourselves. This Lent, you are encouraged to make simple lifestyle changes and act for social and environmental justice, so that you may ‘Be More’ in your own lives and in the lives of others.