
Communicating with the Foundation Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input: 

Holly Peters

Lisa Dam

Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam


In Number and Algebra over the past few weeks, the students have been continuing to consolidate their number recognition and counting skills to develop their mathematical thinking. The students have participated and completed a variety of engaging hands-on authentic learning situations that has allowed them to learn and develop their number sense as well as working cooperatively in different situations. We have been learning the numbers 0-20 including how to write them using the correct formation and starting points, recognise the numerals and make models using these numbers. We have also been very enthusiastically counting the number of days we have been at school in preparation for our 100 Days of School Celebration later in the year! 


The students have been practising counting the numerals 0 to 20 by recognising, ordering and accurately counting to correctly build unifix towers to represent these numbers. Students practised counting sets of objects by creating ‘Tall Towers’ of unifix up to the number 20 and are learning the importance of one to one correspondence when counting -  that the last number you count represents the total number. As well as building the children's number sense, unifix blocks also assist in the development of fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. 


They have enjoyed using tens frames to race against each other to make and represent numbers to ten. Using tens frames assist in the development of children's number sense and subitising skills by providing them with a visual representation of numbers to 10.




Students had fun playing a roll and build game together using unfix. They took turns to roll the dice, move that many spaces and collect that amount of unifix. The person with the most unifix at the end of the game wins. Using dice in games assists with the children's ability to subitise (look at the dots and know right away what number the dice is representing instead of counting each dot). 


Please see below for information regarding the days each grade has their Specialist classes.

*Please note - these times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg. swimming timetables)



Health & PE: Tuesday 9.30

Visual Arts: Thursday 10.30

Performing Arts: Thursday 11.30

Japanese: 9.20 (odd weeks)

Health & PE: Tuesdays 9.00

Visual Arts: Thursday 11.30

Performing Arts: Thursday 10.30

Japanese: 2.30 (odd weeks)