Year 8 - leading the way

Staying Safe Online
The importance of staying safe online was the focus of a presentation by Youth Engagement Officer Senior Constable Robert MacFarlane for all Year 8 students this term.
Year 8 students learned about the importance of protecting themselves and their personal information online, how to respond to negative experiences and their legal rights and responsibilities when online. It was a fantastic presentation, with students reporting they found it informative and interesting.
First term of Technology
Year 8 students are nearing the end of their first term of Technology Mandatory and have been busy learning many new skills. Some students have developed their woodworking skills and their progress is evident in their trays, which are nearing completion.
Three great reasons to attend school every single day
- You develop LIFE SKILLS
Happy holidays
I take this opportunity to wish all families a safe and happy holiday. Last day of Term One is Friday 8 April 2022. I look forward to seeing our students next term Term Two begins for all students on Wednesday, 27 April 2022.
Julia Cremin
Deputy Principal - Year 8