Technology and Applied Studies

Technology and Applied Studies - Year 10 

Agriculture - Classes have been working on their Winter Cropping unit which runs through the current practices of many Riverina farmers sowing and managing their crops. Students have replicated these same processes for our Agriculture plot and are exploring the effect of sowing depth on seed germination for barley, wheat and canola. They then compile these results to form a scientific report as part of their assessment.


Food -  This term students are learning about how food equity affects people around the world. They have prepared pancakes while blindfolded to simulate a visual disability, gathered water from across the other side of the school to simulate collecting water without a tapped water supply. They also made cakes without instructions to replicate the inability to read.

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IST - Students have continued to develop their skills and knowledge through the creation of  models with the Arduino platform, culminating in the construction of a robotic controlled car.

Timber - Year 10 have been working on the construction of a Clock Face. Students were given creative control over almost all aspects of their Clock Face. This has resulted in a range of sizes, shapes and designs. Most students have incorporated the use of the laser cutter and epoxy to add detail to their original designs.


Metal -  Students have been busy constructing a Motorbike quick lift, in a more efficient way. After surveying the previous years group and responding to student needs, considerable improvement of the quality control procedures and task procedures have been made to make the learning opportunity more meaningful. The new ways are proving to be successful with students producing quality work in a timely manner.


Ms Nicole Lane | TAS KLA Leader