News and Notices 

From the Principal

As I sit and write this newsletter, I am aware how very fortunate we are to be part of the RidgeView community. We have awesome staff who go above and beyond to make sure that your children feel safe and happy at school, wonderful children who bubble with laughter and have tremendous fun at school, and awesome, caring families who look after each other. 


I know that a number of us are feeling somewhat unsettled. The move to Phase 3 of the Red Setting means that there will be a number of changes with regards to close contacts and isolation protocols. 


It might help you to know that your children are settled and happy at school, and are really good at adapting to the changing circumstances at school. They know to stay within their classroom bubbles, have good hygiene, and to be kind.


However, please do not send your children to school if they are sick. We will just separate tham and send them home.


Symptoms of Omicron in children include:

  • runny nose
  • scratchy throat
  • upset tummy
  • headache

Positive Cases

As you are aware, we have had our first positive cases related to the school today. As it happens, these children were already isolating, but I am sure we will soon have cases where the children come to school with COVID. The lastest information from the Ministries of Health and Education is that only people who live in the same house as the positive case are considered household contacts. Everyone else is able to come to school. 

Thank you

Thank you to Amy Duncan for washing all our dress ups and Fiona Callen for donating a play mat.


The children have been learning about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and each class has written their own treaty. 

Tying up Long Hair

I would really recommend that everyone with long hair, ties it up. It is much easier in the heat and with swimming if hair is neat and tidy. It also helps to stop the spread of nits.


Please send togs in everyday. While it is hot like this we are trying to get the children into the pool everyday. If you have a rash shirt, it would be a good idea to send it to school as the UV levels are so high.

Can you help?

Website Skills

Is there a parent in our community who is good at working on websites who would be able to help us update our website? 


Large Raffia Mats

I am still looking for large raffia type mats - the ones that often have pasifika designs on them. Does anyone know where I can source these? I have looked in both K-Mart and LookSharp without any luck.


Secondhand Clothing

We have a large amount of good quality secondhand clothing that can be purchased from the office for $5 per item. There is a list attached. Please contact if you are interested.

Tough Guy and Gal Challenge (Mud Run)

Is your child keen on taking part in the Mud Run? This year it is being held on Wednesday 3 August 2022. Years 3 and 4 run 1.5km and Years 5 and 6 run 3km. The cost is $25 per child We usually have a group of students who take part in this and we put in an entry through the school. Please let me know if your child would like to enter this year.

Fruit for Morning Tea

Some of our parents have been providing apples, bananas or oranges that I am able to cut up and put out for morning tea. If you would like to make a contribution, please let me know. 

New Telephone Number

We have received notification that our landline is going to be disconnected. We will only have the mobile number 027 593 5963.


If your child is going to be away from school, please either email Kalene on or phone and leave a message on the answer phone. We need to follow up every day.