3/4 News 

St Patricks Liturgy led by the year3/4's this morning.


It is pleasing to see the students developing their home study habits and completing their homework. We initially had a rocky start due to the excitement of bike ed and with so many children isolating; thankfully that phase has eased off. The previous grid was completed well and hopefully each teacher has provided some feedback for your child. 

Please remember to assist your child to:

  1. Develop good study routines by setting times to complete work over a few nights rather than all in one go. (20 minutes a night is ample)
  2. Provide a place to work, where they have necessary tools (pencils, rulers etc)
  3. Remind them to have the diary in their bag each day and to bring in their homework on the day it is due.

Please remember that 3/4LF hand theirs in on a Monday and will get the new sheet on Tuesdays

And remember, Homework at this stage is merely to begin the journey of life long study habits and learning; if for any reason it is not complete please just send us a note in the homework book.


Nightly reading is an expectation, especially in the 3/4  level. We understand that it is not always possible to have the chance to read aloud every night; once or twice a week would be great.

Please remember that they need to record in their diary the book title, which pages they read or how long they read. We ask that if they read aloud to a grown up that the grown up simply initials the reading that night. This gives the teachers an indication that reading aloud is happening.

The task  for each week is also expected to be done in the diary. Underneath the task is a spot for parents to sign too. We ask that you check the diary and by signing off and then we are aware that you have seen this week's reading and task.

Homework Club

We provided an opportunity for any student who does not have a note explaining why they have not managed to complete the tasks fully (or to a suitable standard) at lunchtimes on Monday (and Tuesday if necessary). 

If there is a reason for it being incomplete, we simply ask that you write a note inside the homework book for us. We understand that life can throw a curveball every now and then and a simple explanation is all that is needed. 

iPads and headphones

We have had many children bringing their ipads to school uncharged so when we go to use them they are not able to. Please assist the children to develop the habit of making sure their device is charging overnight and popped into their bags before they come to school. It is also advisable to have a set of headphones that can stay at school ready to use as needed.

NAPLAN - CPT  - March 24th

CPT stands for Coordinated Practice Test and is the day all schools nationwide (or as many as possible) test the system. It is also a good chance for the children to see how NAPLAN is done and familiarise themselves with what it looks like and how it goes. This test is not graded as it is more about testing the system, not the children. Please see the handout elsewhere in the newsletter for more information.


The actual Naplan dates for 2022 are 

May 10th, 11th, 12th.


Our current Maths focus is addition. The children have been placed into ‘like-ability’ groups or ‘streams’ so that we cater for every child at their level. We are very fortunate to have Mrs Kehoe on Mon-Wed and Mr Blake on Thurs/Fri assisting us and taking one of our groups. 

Please find opportunities at home to chat with them and work on some problems together. 


Having finished our instructional text unit and creating recipes to create a harmonious and happy classroom, the children have astounded us with their  creativity and great vocabulary. We have been very pleased with the work we are seeing. Here is a fabulous sample to showcase what we have done. 

Well done Lulu 😀

 We are now focussing on Narratives and developing sizzling starts with a clear beginning, interesting complication, a climax, a resolution and finally a conclusion.


We are continuing with our Community unit and working on our passion projects. The children have been asked to select a group they belong to and explore that group to present something to the class later in the term. We can’t wait to share with everyone how amazing the groups we belong to are.


The students are beginning their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and will be learning about good choices/bad choices, reflecting on their own behaviour, owning their behaviour and how others are affected, the four steps to the process of forgiveness and what to expect when they receive the sacrament for the first time.

Please keep them in your prayers during this special time.

Classroom Contacts

Should you wish to get in touch with your child’s teacher for any reason or you wish to make an appointment to speak with them, please contact them through email directly.  If you have two teachers please include both in your email. You can reach us on these addresses:











The 3/4 team

Matilda, Tiffany, Gemma, Joanne and Jacque