Learning in M27

Mrs Kate Bucknell

Middle School M27 Bucknell is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

In M27, we have been focusing on mindfulness and kindness.  The students have been learning a variety of strategies to help them focus on the present and relax their minds and body.  The students have learnt that mindfulness helps reduce their worries and anxiety. 

The students designed their own mindful monsters and wrote short paragraphs about how their mindful monster practices mindfulness. 

The students have also created a display of mindful monarchs where they had to write on their butterfly the different strategies they use to practice mindfulness. 


I practice mindfulness by closing my eyes for a couple of seconds and focusing on one thing. Yahya
I practice mindfulness by drawing pictures and playing in nature. Phoebe
I practice mindfulness by hugging my teddy and reading quietly under a tree. Camryn
I practice mindfulness by listening to the birds and sitting outside in the sun. Emily
I practice mindfulness by listening to mindful music and sitting somewhere quietly. Taylor
I practice mindfulness by focusing on my learning and drawing pictures. Kobie

Mrs Bucknell

Year 3 Teacher