Principal Team's Report

Kerryn Baillie, Jane King and Renee Cotterell




Another fortnight of learning, smiles and action, here at Pakenham Springs.  Let us tell you about our Writing and Maths this fortnight.


Using our whole school Writers Workshop Model, students in Years 1-6 have been focused on developing their persuasive techniques.  Students begin their writing by planning out their thinking.  Across the school different templates are used for this.  Some year levels will use a 'mind bubble' approach, others might choose a 'flow chart' approach. Mostly, the planning is completed using yellow paper as a visual.  After planning, students draft, edit and revise their writing before publishing.  The teacher's role is to model writing and conference with students to improve learning outcomes.  Our Junior students are even using the 'sky, garden, earth' lines to support letter formation and size.  Our Open Afternoon on the 6th April, will have a Writing focus.  Please come along (details will be shared closer to the time) and see the amazing writing for yourself.

In Maths, across the school, our focus is on 'challenging tasks'.  These are not 'special' tasks just for students who are confident in maths.  At Pakenham Springs Primary School we believe ALL students can learn maths to high levels;  these tasks support students to focus on problem solving, multiple possibilities and value thinking above all else.  When we 'launch' into and 'explore' a challenging task, we ask students to first think about it individually and then to collaborate.  The teacher will 'rove' the room asking questions to advance thinking and problem solving skills.  Each morning we further support mathematical thinking through 'Number Talks' in the Daily Bulletin.  The feedback from students has been really positive in engagement and creative thinking.  In a number talk, a number or visual is shown.  Possible questions could be:  How many are there?  How do you know?  Can you see it a different way?  Is there another number sentence that would match what you (or a classmate) described?

Progressive Reporting

Whilst schools are required to formally report student achievement and progress to parents/carers at least twice per school year, Pakenham Springs Primary School is invested in communicating progress more regularly with the introduction of a continuous reporting model in 2022.  This is referred to as Progressive Reporting.  The purpose of this model is to report and communicate progress to families and not just results, through regular 'snapshot' updates every 5 weeks.  Teachers will communicate your child's progress in the academics, specialist classes, school values and learning habits, including effort and behaviour.  A short survey was sent to all parents asking for input. 


If you haven't already completed this, please have your say here:

Buddy Breakfast

Did you know, that every Year 6 student in our school has a staff member buddy?  We have been running this program for many years with the purpose of supporting our most senior students with additional adult support.  This is another example of 'our school, our students' belief, here at P.S.P.S.  This week we held our first Buddy Breakfast organised, cooked and served by our Year 6 Team - both teachers and LSA's.  It was a delicious bacon and egg sandwich.  Whilst eating, staff caught up with their Year 6 student buddy.  This is a fantastic program, one we are very proud to host and promote.  If you have a Year 6 child attending P.S.P.S, ask them about their staff buddy. 

Interschool Sport 

Our Year 6 students have been participating in Interschool Sports, both home and away games this term.  Their sportsmanship has been excellent and in fact, commented on by staff at other schools.  It certainly makes you feel proud to be receiving such positive feedback about our students.  Well done to our Senior School students for being excellent role models for our school and for our younger students.




The corridors are always full of excitement when the Book Fair hits town!  Families are welcome to explore and/or purchase books before and after school on Friday (today) and also Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week.  All students will have the chance to come along and browse with their teacher and also their buddy class.  Students may like to write a wish list and show this to you.  We thank Mrs Amanda Parnall for arranging the Book Fair.


COVID Safety Measures remain in place.

  • Rapid Antigen Testing will continue for Term 1. 
  • Please remember to send a mask, we have not received any student masks from the Department yet.  Mask wearing for students in Years 3-6 indoors (unless medically exempt) will be treated like uniform.  Staff are being extremely supportive and sensitive towards supporting students in remembering to correctly wear their mask and mindfully maintaining social distancing when students are unable to wear a mask.  DET have directed all schools to treat deliberate and persistent non-compliance (staff/students/families) of mask wearing as a serious matter.
  • Mask wearing for students in Years P-2 is optional but recommended by the Chief Health Officer and DET
  • Air Purifiers are in all classrooms
  • We are moving learning outdoors as much as possible
  • Physical Education lessons will be taken outdoors where possible (hats and sunscreen needed)
  • We are keeping windows and doors open during learning times
  • High touch areas and devices regularly wiped down
  • Sanitising before and after break times and during lessons as needed
Using the outside classroom - Students in STEM investigate gravity.
Using the outside classroom - Students in STEM investigate gravity.

School Council

Thank you to all our families who voted in our School Council Ballot.  I am delighted to announce our newly elected  School Councillors are:  Jarni Sewell, Carrie Mattson, Sarah Scott-Worthington, Lauren Leeder, Taryn LaGreca and our new DET member is Sue Northover.  I look forward to working with our School Council to continue to improve and develop the 'Springs'.

Don't forgot your hat!

We encourage all parents to have a chat with your child/ren about wearing our uniform with pride.  A reminder that hair colour should be 'natural' and jewellery should be minimal under our dress code regulations.  A SunSmart (broad-brimmed or legionnaire style) hat is mandatory for all students during Term 1 and Term 4.  Students without a hat will be directed to sit in an undercover area during break times.


We are very much looking forward to a busy and productive fortnight ahead, take care.


The PSPS Leadership Team