Debating Team 

Wee Waa Branch of the NSW Farmer’s Association Donates to Debating Team 

It can seem that rural Australia, farming and our very lifestyle is under constant scrutiny at the moment and getting our message out into the public domain to inform misconceptions and perceptions is not always an easy task.  For this reason, it is more important than ever to focus on and develop young rural people’s ability to clearly, concisely and confidently communicate their thoughts and ideas.

This has been a driving force behind Learning & Support Teacher Mrs Carmel Schwager’s development of Wee Waa High School's debating team’s skills.  ‘A key part of being able to develop these skills is being able to travel and compete against other schools so students can continually challenge themselves, learn and grow’, Mrs Schwager explained.

‘However, the travel is something that can become quite costly, but without the opportunity to debate against other schools, our team would have limited opportunity for development and improvement'.

‘I mentioned this to our local NSW Farmers Association branch and they to saw the immediate connection between developing young people’s communication and debating skills and getting the message out about agriculture and rural Australia as effectively as possible'.

Chairman of the NSW Farmers Wee Waa Branch, Mr Michael Haire said, ‘Our branch was keen to offer assistance by way of a donation for $300 for the third year to assist with the team’s travel costs’.  

‘The ability to be able to debate and put forward a case that influences an audience is a very powerful skill to have in any part of life’.


‘There are significant issues affecting rural people and agriculture at present, so it’s more important than ever that we are able to communicate our message clearly and concisely so that we can positively influence and counter the misinformation that exists about rural people, rural communities and agriculture'.