Middle School Report

Middle School Report

It has certainly been a very busy term! It’s hard to believe we are already over half way through the term and soon we'll be halfway through the school year!     

We have seen some inspiring learning happening across the school this term with students working hard on extending their cooking skills, designing images for etching into plastic, developing business ideas, writing poetry and learning how to play Lacrosse and ultimate frisbee (when the weather is good!). 

The Leadership Team are busy planning the upcoming excursion for year 7 students to Whittlesea Tech for the design challenge.  Students will undertake a design challenge in teams to produce a prototype based on their design ideas.

The Leadership Team would like to remind parents that students are not permitted to carry their phones with them during the day. Students must leave their phones in their locker.  If students are found will their phones they will be confiscated for the day and returned to the students at the end of the school day. If you need to contact your child you can call the school on 9134 8200.


Term 2 has seen the introduction of the winter uniform. All students are required to

Wear a tie everyday

Wear their blazer to and from school

Only wear their sport jacket with their sport uniform

All females need to wear navy stockings with their winter skirt -no leggings permitted

Important dates to remember for term 2:

Week 8 - year 7 Whittlesea Tech excursion

Thursday 27th June - semester 1 school reports published

Friday 28th June - last day of term 2. Students dismissed at 2:20pm


Leading Teachers - Middle Years

Rachael Salter and Belinda McKenzie