3/4 Classroom News

3/4 problem solving

Maths- problem solving

"Recently in Maths we have been looking at units of measurement. Today we were measuring objects in the classroom to find out how much they weigh. We were estimating first and then we were going to weigh using scales and weights. We have also been learning about angles- right angles, obtuse angles and acute angles. We took some photographs of objects and equipment that had different angles and we made these into a slideshow."

By Sophie D and Alex

Inquiry- Learning about Change

"This term we are learning about Change. We have looked at forces, landscapes, technology and changing states of solids, liquids and gases. Right now we are planning for our personal inquiry. We are hoping to explore forces and rockets. We want to find out how rockets move and we are planning a big experiment. We are enjoying it very much and we wondering if our experiment will work."

By Nik and Ben

Class Mass

"On Monday we had our 3/4 Mass in our learning area. Our theme was ‘Be the Change you wish to see in the world’. I thought it was really fun to be part of it and it was interesting to listen to all of the readings. I enjoyed bringing up the symbol of the earth at the start of Mass because it felt nice to be part of it. I liked how Fr John spoke about the inspirational people and showed us his photographs from when he went to America and followed the Martin Luther King trail. The Mass helped us to round up all our learning about change and how to make a difference."

By Felix