School News

St. Anthony's School News

Cyberbullying and our responsibilities

I’d like to remind everyone about the serious nature of cyberbullying and in fact any bullying. We are required to take this matter very seriously and as such we have strict codes of conduct and expectations of our staff and students around respectful and responsible use of technology. We also have a system that allows us to monitor student usage. If we find any of our students misusing technology there are serious consequences. This will mean a loss of privileges in using technology for some time and communication with parents. For your information  I include our Acceptable Use Policy Document which all children and parents sign. There is a new link on our website to report any cyber bullying behaviour of any kind or anything that you think breaches this code of conduct in any way. It is our responsibility to make sure our children know when they are not using technology respectfully. Thank you for your ongoing support in working with us on this important matter.


Wellbeing Message

If you ever require any support at all we have a core team of leaders and community leaders who are here to help. Our Executive leadership team, wider leadership team and community hubs team have access to a range of resources to assist you with any support you require for your children and family. Our Wellbeing team is also available led by James Gow and our supported students team led by Susan Kubiak and Deana Portia. We have many programs and support structures available to all of our families here at school and we welcome you to see us at any time if needed. Every person flourishing and known.


We also remind you that all of the staff at St Anthony’s are more than willing to work with you and listen to you if there is a problem and when approached in a respectful and communicative manner. It is important that this home/school relationship is nurtured by family and school. Sometimes a reminder of this acceptable conduct is needed. At the time of enrolment all parents sign the Parent Code of Conduct and commit to upholding respectful community expectations. I attach this  link to this code for your perusal.  The St Anthony’s School environment is the staff work environment and one which we work hard to maintain high expectations. We expect respectfulness from our children and this always needs to be modelled through parent interactions with staff and other parents.



From Term 2 our school canteen will only be open for lunches and counter sales on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. This means no canteen on MONDAY or TUESDAY. Canteen sales on these days are minimal and there is no need for us to be open on these days anymore. It will also mean that we can have Eileen working with our students in the learning spaces more often supporting everyone.


Prayer spaces in our library for Holy Week and Alleluia Week

This year to celebrate the events of Holy Week and teach the meanings that accompany every event we are setting up 8 beautiful prayer spaces in the Library. Each neighbourhood will take one aspect of Holy Week and create a prayerful spaces for every person to visit over the week. There will be a reflection, scripture and an activity for all students to take part in so that this week can be an opportunity for every person to enter their own sacred space. You are welcome to visit our prayer spaces. These are our themes...

Palm Sunday - Joy

The Last Supper - Friendship

Gethsemane - Big Questions

Carrying the Cross - Worries

Simon’s Help - Helping others

Forgive them Father - Forgiveness

The Cross - Sorry

Resurrection - Hopes and Dreams

Great Commission - The World


‘Prayer is key to a living faith, nourishing the soul and orienting each person to God. The Catholic school makes time to pray daily, keeping the presence of God at the forefront of each school day and connecting it to the church community and the wider world. In Melbourne’s multi-faith and diverse cultural context, the school community respectfully invites all to prayer, enabling deep encounters between faith and contemporary life, while encouraging a lived response. Drawing from rich prayer traditions, a variety of ways of praying are encouraged: individual and communal, vocal and silent, informal and liturgical. Prayer engenders a way of being in the world and a perspective on life that, at times, can be challenging and counter-cultural. Through prayer, the sacred is acknowledged, assented to and celebrated. It marks the times when we affirm the presence of God and the sacredness of everyday life. Members of the Catholic school community embrace a prayerful attitude that is open to a personal encounter with God and nurturing of humility, reflection, and a rich inner life.’


(Religious Dimension of the Catholic School, a foundation statement of Horizons of Hope: An Education Framework for the Archdiocese of Melbourne)

Prep 2020

If you have a child starting school in Prep next year please come and get your enrolment form from Jamil and submit your form before the end of Term 1. We will make an interview time with you straight away. It is important that we have current families listed as soon as possible. We have had several tours so far and are very excited about welcoming new families to our community.


Celebration of Learning

Please join us on Fridays in the Hall or Padua building for our weekly celebration of learning. Each week one class have the opportunity to share their learning and present with their peers in front of the school. Come along and support your student!



If your child is going to be absent from school, can you please call the school office on 95460044 before 9.00am. Alternatively, you can email the school to notify of your child’s absence at, or log the absence via the link on the website.

If we do not receive notification of an absence by 9.30am we are required under new regulations to message you at home or work to follow up the absence. Please notify the school of all absences.

Kids Helpline - Anytime Any reason

This week we were told that the kids helpline has an online help domain now. Children who are not comfortable to call the 1800 number can go to the website (see the link above) and enter the age appropriate link to get mental health and wellbeing support.


Kinder Visit Group

We are looking forward to getting our Kinder Visit Program up and running again in Term 2. Term 1 allows the students at the kindergartens to settle in and then Term 2 is when our visits begin. We look forward to sharing information and photos from our visits with you!


Playgroup News

This term playgroup continued with both Wednesday and Thursday groups now full.  We had visits from the local library, celebrated birthdays and visited local parks.

Community Announcements

Term 1 saw a new adult computer class begin on Monday afternoons as both our Tuesday and Wednesday classes are now full. Our adult English classes both continue of Tuesday and Friday.  This term we were once again fortunate to be part of the Peace and Prosperity Kitchen Garden Program at Government House. Seven women from St Anthony’s including parents, grandparents and parishioners attended.   We also saw 12 women from both St Anthony’s and the wider community attend a Road Safety Program to support women obtain their drivers licence. Sporting Schools, tennis program, was also a hit with many families attending the afterschool.