
Numeracy in Food Technology

Students in Unit 1 and 2 Food Technology were making layered biscuit cakes when I entered the classroom. Mrs Sharpe was teaching the students to use their numeracy skills to weigh and measure all the ingredients accurately. Often the students had to work out which tools they would use for the different measurements. For example, if they wanted 400g of flour, then they had to work out which different cup sizes they could combine to give this weight. It was great to see and hear the explicit use of Numeracy in this class. It was also good to see the step by step instructions students were required to follow for their layered biscuit cakes. 


A copy of the layered biscuit cake receipe can be found here for any budding cooks that would like to try these at home!

Some of the final products can be shown below. As you can see they look absolutely scrumptious!



Michelle Galli

Numeracy Learning Specialist