Principal's Page

WHSC Champions!

Interschool Athletics Carnival, 27 8 19

What a result!  Wheelers Hill Secondary College is the Aggregate Champions for Interschool Athletics for 2019!  Our level of participation from our students last week (27/8) was outstanding with over 100 students representing the College in a range of Athletics events.  Due to our incredibly strong level of participation we were awarded the Aggregate Shield for 2019.  


Importantly, we produced some wonderful performances on the day allowing us to finish second overall in the points system.  This result was especially pleasing given that we were competing against some other schools on the day with higher enrolments.  Furthermore, our strong showing at the carnival allowed us to win the Interschool Athletics Intermediate Shield for achieving the highest points total across all schools for Years 9 and 10.  It is the first time in 10 years that we have win the Intermediate Shield.


We again congratulate all of our students for their involvement on the day.  We also thank our staff for their work, together with recognising the outstanding leadership of our Atheltics Team by Kerrie Lay and Sally Pryde.  Well done to all involved!

College Captains, 2020

We had a number of current Year 11 students apply for a College Captain position at WHSC in 2020.  The position of College Captain at WHSC is hugely significant with those students appointed expected to represent the College to the highest of standards.  


The calibre of the students applying for this very important position at the College was outstanding.  Applicants submitted a written application, presented to staff and students, and they sat an interview as part of the process.   We would hope to be able to announce our College Captains for 2020 as part of our next newsletter.

Parent - Teacher - Student Conferences, 4 9 19

Our Parent - Teacher - Student Conferences were successful earlier in the week.  The Conferences allowed students and their families to meet up with teaching staff to discuss progress across all learning areas.  


The Conferences provide opportunities for students to discuss their learning.  It is also an opportunity to set some learning goals for the remainder of the year.  We thank families for their time earlier in the week and we are sure that the Conferences were helpful and informative to both parents/guardians and students.

WHSC Trivia Night, 13 9 19

As per previous Newsletters, our hardworking WHSC Parents and Friends Committee have organised a 'Trivia Night' on Friday the 13th of September at the College Library.  To coincide with the date, our Library will be decorated in an eerie 'Friday the 13th' theme!


Please go to Try Booking at:   




in order to secure your ticket for this wonderful night.  Prices include Adults - $15.00; Children - $5:00.  BYO drinks and snacks for the night.  This is a no alcohol event.  Funds raised for the night will support our Performing Arts Program at the College.

Year 8 STEM Unit

The Year 8 STEM Unit began this week.  The Year 8 STEM Unit aims to further develop skills such as Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is such an important area for schools to cover with students.  The 21st Century demands that we best prepare our students for the future and we as a College are providing opportunities through STEM education to further the skills of our students in this area.


Our STEM Leader in Kim Hewlett has worked hard to provide a high quality program for our Year 8 students which will conclude by the end of the term.  We thank Kim, together with the staff and students involved in the Year 8 STEM Unit, for their efforts as part of this important program.

Principal For A Day, 3/9/19 - Professor Michael Kennedy (OAM)

We were thrilled to have Professor Michael Kennedy (OAM) as Principal For A Day (or PFAD) at WHSC earlier in the week (3/9).   Michael is a Professor of Practice and Leader of Industry Programs and Partnerships at Monash University.   Through Michael's career, he has been involved in management and leadership roles in the private sector, in a range of industries, and in the public and community sectors, as a CEO, board director and chair, and always with an involvement in education.  His doctoral research was about organisational leadership and culture.  In more recent times he has lead the Safe Student Travel  program which involves visiting secondary schools across Victoria, which is government and industry funded.  Michael also has a keen interest in sport whereby he umpired Australian Rules Football for a number of years.


Michael was very generous with his time as part of PFAD presenting to students from across a number of year levels on topics such as Road Safety (Year 7), the Importance of Sport (Year 9), together with a presentation to our Year 12 students highlighting the importance of a focused approach moving into the end of year exam period.


Michael also spent some time as part of the day dropping in on classrooms, speaking with students and staff, and taking in a tour of the College.  We thank Michael for being a part of PFAD with our College and we hope that he enjoyed the PFAD experience.

Cultural Week, 2 to 6 9 19

Our Languages Program organised a 'Cultural Week' this week at the College.  There were many activities organised through the week for our students which culminated in a special Free Dress Day with a Cultural Theme today (6/9/19).  


We thank our Languages Learning Domain for organising Cultural Week, and we hope that it becomes a regular fixture on the WHSC Calendar for the future.

'Value of the Week' - Excellence

Our Athletics Team have demonstrated our 'Value of the Week' in Excellence - they were simply outstanding last week at the Interschool Athletics Carnival (27/8).

And Finally....

Please be reminded of our Professional Development Day on Monday 9th September.  This is a student free day.


Have a great weekend everyone










Aaron Smith
