Whole School Programs

The Victorian Curriculum

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out a single, coherent and comprehensive set of content descriptions and associated achievement standards to enable teachers to plan, monitor, assess and report on the learning achievement of every student.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates and reflects much of the Australian Curriculum F–10, but differs in some important respects, most notably the representation of the curriculum as a continuum of learning and the structural design.

Victorian government schools are required to use the Victorian Curriculum F–10.

More information regarding the Victorian Curriculum can be found at http://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au

Laptop 1:1 Program

In 2019 all students in Year 7 will purchase their own laptop (from the recommended list). Students in Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 will continue to bring their previously purchased devices. This will be used every day at school and home to assist in reshaping and enhancing their learning and engagement.  The purpose of 1:1 learning is to create confident, flexible self-directed, lifelong learners.  At the heart of good 1:1 learning is equity to ensure that all students have access to technology-rich experiences, and simplicity to ensure that it is easy to manage and sustain.  Through this increased access to technology students and teachers can access learning tools that can be highly differentiated and collaborative.  Together with quality instruction, the technology opens up the possibility of new  models for learning within and beyond classrooms.

The Extension and Enrichment Program

Wheelers Hill Secondary College’s Extension and Enrichment (E&E) for English and Mathematics enhances students in their study of English and Mathematics in Year 7 and 8 by providing additional support and challenge from expert teachers.


While the school provides extension and enrichment for learning at all levels, the Year 7 and 8 timetables are uniquely structured to increase teacher support.  Students who are more advanced in their skills work together on intellectually demanding tasks at a more challenging pace.  Students who are progressing at an average pace learn with others requiring a similar degree of challenge and extension.  Those who are experiencing difficulty receive supportive instruction that is appropriately challenging and engaging.


The program now extends into Year 9 were differentiation is undertaken within the classroom, to better suit student needs. Students at Year 10 and VCE will continue to be provided with high-quality teaching, expert support with their learning and the opportunity to undertake advanced studies.


The curriculum for E&E: English and E&E: Mathematics at both Years 7 and 8 are organised around the content and achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum. Details of the relevant levels and achievement standards can be viewed on the Victorian Curriculum website

Instrumental Music

Every year the College provides students with the opportunity to develop skills musically on a variety of instruments.  Instrumental Music is offered to all students from Years 7 – 12 with optional participation in College ensembles and performances.  These include the Annual College Musical Production, Open Night, Information Evenings, Choir Performances, Education Week, Awards Night.


Music lessons are subsidised by the College and maintain competitive pricing when compared to external private lessons.  Students receive ongoing access to sheet music, exercises and performance techniques and every student receives an end of semester report.


The College currently offers Instrumental Lessons for the following – Electric/Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Saxophone, Keyboard/Piano, Vocals (Singing). All students   Students are responsible for ensuring they attend lessons during the school day which run parallel with normal class times.  Students wishing to undertake instrumental music need to register with the Performing Arts Leader.  Instrumental Music fees vary with each instrumental structure - more details can be found by speaking to the Performing Arts Team.